* 4.0.2 didn't work for ``pip`` installs due to an omission in the
MANIFEST.in file. This came up during release testing, but before the
release was fully published. As the release was never fully published, this
should not have actually affected anyone.
**Bug Fixes**
* These are the same as 4.0.2, but it was never fully released.
* All default settings are now values returned from functions instead of
constants. This was resulting in settings getting stomped on. New test
addresses the original complaint. This removes the need for ``deepcopy``.
See issue 687 (untergeek)
* Fix ``host`` vs. ``hosts`` issue in ``get_client()`` rather than the
non-functional function in ``repomgrcli.py``.
* Update versions being tested.
* Community contributed doc fixes.
* Reduced logging verbosity by making most messages debug level. 684
* Fixed log whitelist behavior (and switched to blacklisting instead).
Default behavior will now filter traffic from the ``elasticsearch`` and
``urllib3`` modules.
* Fix Travis CI testing to accept some skipped tests, as needed. 695
* Fix missing empty index test in snapshot action. 682 (sherzberg)