- Modified `gethg38genome.sh` and `getmm39genome.sh` to also create the genometable file. - Bug fix in samtools installation - Updated SAMtools from 1.17 to 1.19.2 - Updated SRAtoolkit from 3.0.2 to 3.0.10 - Change WORKDIR from /opt to /home/ubuntu - Installed `sudo`
- Modified `gethg38genome.sh` and `getmm39genome.sh` to also download the refFlat data.
- Fixed the bug in `plotHiCfeature` where TADs and loops were not being rendered - Removed the restriction site directories of Juicer and Cooler from this repository to reduce the size - Added `generate_binlist_from_gtfile.py` for 3DChromatin_ReplicateQC analysis - Added `07.QualityCheck.sh` in `tutorial/Hi-C`
- Added [Mustache](https://github.com/ay-lab/mustache) - Added [Chromosight](https://github.com/koszullab/chromosight) - Update Hi-C Tutorial that uses [Nakato et al.,s RPE cells](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE196034) for the example data
- AluI restriction enzyme for BAT Hi-C added to Juicer and Cooler
- Removed LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/compat/:/usr/local/cuda/lib64 - Bug fix for HICCUPS error (CUDA not detected)