* phschiele (PRs 1607, 1617, 1624, 1628)
* xinyueshen (PR 1660)
* allenlawrence94 (PR 1621)
* lochsh (PR 1677)
* PTNobel (PR 1648)
* Michael-git96 (PR 1684)
* chrisyeh96 (PR 1616)
* TimonKnigge (PRs 1637, 1646)
* dcajasn (PR 1640)
* parthb83 (PRs 1641, 1683)
* mlubin (PRs 1655, 1682)
* AtsushiSakai (PR 1665)
* h-vetinari (for [conda-forge PR 68](https://github.com/conda-forge/cvxpy-feedstock/pull/68/commits))
* SteveDiamond (PRs 1606, 1659, 1669)
* rileyjmurray (PRs 1598, 1643, 1670, 1688)
Among those listed above, we would like to call special attention to phschiele, Michael-git96, and dcajasn -- each of whom has made contributions to CVXPY prior to version 1.1.18. Those recurring contributions are instrumental to CVXPY's success.
On behalf of the CVXPY project maintainers,
Riley Murray
CC: akshayka SteveDiamond, bstellato