1. Below are the new list of API added:
- APIs added in <span id='boarding'>Merchant Boarding</span> Family
- /boarding/v1/registrations - POST
- /boarding/v1/registrations/{registrationId} - GET
- APIs added in Webhooks Family
- /kms/egress/v2/keys-sym - POST
- /notification-subscriptions/v1/products/{organizationId} - GET
- /notification-subscriptions/v1/webhooks - POST and GET
- /notification-subscriptions/v1/webhooks/{webhookId} - PATCH, GET and DELETE
- /nrtf/v1/webhooks/{webhookId}/replays - POST
- /kms/egress/v2/keys-asym - POST
2. Update in <span id='payments'>Payments</span> API Family
4. Update in Symmetric Key Management API Family
5. Added SDK Tracker functionality