1. New API Family is added in SDK:
(i) Subscriptions Family-
/rbs/v1/plans - post & get
/rbs/v1/plans/{id} - get, patch & delete
/rbs/v1/plans/{id}/activate -post
/rbs/v1/plans/{id}/deactivate -post
/rbs/v1/plans/code - get
/rbs/v1/subscriptions - post & get
/rbs/v1/subscriptions/{id} -get & patch
/rbs/v1/subscriptions/{id}/cancel - post
/rbs/v1/subscriptions/{id}/suspend - post
/rbs/v1/subscriptions/{id}/activate - post
/rbs/v1/subscriptions/code -get
(ii) Batches Family-
/accountupdater/v1/batches - post & get
/accountupdater/v1/batches/{batchId}/status - get
/accountupdater/v1/batches/{batchId}/report - get
(iii) Token Management -> Token
(iv) Flex Microform -> Microform Integration
2. Enhancements to Payments API Family
3. **Enhancements to TMS API Family**
4. Enhancements to UserManagement API Family
5. Update in microform API (/microform/v2/sessions -post ) for change in Response 201 schema type to "string"
6. Update in capture context API (/up/v1/capture-contexts -post ) for change in Response 201 schema type to "string"
7. Axa feature has been added as optional