
Latest version: v8.0a0

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[2373]( - refactored suite server code
(for efficiency, maintainability, etc.)

[2396]( - improved job polling and task
state reset:
* allow polling of finished tasks - to confirm they really succeeded or failed
* poll to confirm a task message that implies a state reversal - it could just
be a delayed message
* allow reset to submitted or running states
* removed the "enable resurrection" setting - any task can now return from the

[2410]( - new CUSTOM severity task
messages that can trigger a custom event handler

[2420]( - `cylc monitor` now
reconnects automatically if its target suite gets restarted on a different port

[2430]( - `cylc gscan`,
`cylc gui` - significant reduction in impact on suite server

[2433]( - "group" (used to group suites
in `cylc gscan`) is now defined under the suite "[[meta]]" section

[2424]( - task job scripts now run in
`bash -l` (login shell) instead of explicitly sourcing your
`.profile` file. *WARNING*: if you have a
`.bash_profile` and were using `.profile` as well just for
Cylc, the latter file will now be ignored because bash gives precendence to the
former. If so, just move your Cylc settings into
`.bash_profile` or consult the Cylc User Guide for
other ways to configure the task job environment.

[2441]( -
[2458]( - allow more event handler
* batch system name and job ID
* submit time, start time, finish time
* userhost

[2455]( - network client improvements:
* on a failed connection, clients detect if the suite has stopped according to
the contact file, then report it stopped and remove the contact file
* on attempt run an already-running suite (contact file exists) print more
information on how old the suite is and how to shut it down
* clients running in plain HTTP protocol will no longer attempt to fetch a
non-existent SSL certificate
* if a contact file is loaded, always use the values in it to avoid
conflicting host strings in SSL certificate file, etc.

[2468]( - initialize task remotes
asynchronously via the multiprocessing pool, to avoid holding up suite start-up
unnecessarily. *WARNING* this introduces new remote commands: `cylc
remote-init` and `cylc remote-tidy` that will affect sites
using ssh whitelisting

[2449]( -
[2469]( -
[2480]( -
[2501]( -
[2547]( -
[2552]( -
[2564]( -
User Guide:
* rewrote the section on restart from state checkpoints
* rewrote the section on suite run databases
* new section on suite contact files
* new section on disaster recovery
* new section on remote monitoring and control
* improved terminology:
* "suite server program" instead of "suite daemon" (it's not always a daemon)
* "severity" instead of "priority" for logging and task messaging
* "task remote" to encompass the concept of "the account where a task job
runs" whether under the same user account or not, on another host or not
* documented requirements for remote access to suite-parsing and
file-retrieval commands, including via the GUI; and clarified the same for
suite client commands
* documented a known bug in use of parameters in complex graph syntax (and an
easy workaround) - see the task parameters section
* documented kill-to-hold behavior of tasks with retries configured

[2475]( - suite server program:
separate debug mode from daemonization

[2485]( - export task job environment
variables on definition and before assignment, to ensure they are available to
subshells immediately - even in expressions inside subsequent variable

[2489]( -
[2557]( -
`cylc gscan` -
* configurable menubar visibility at start-up
* grouped suites now retain their grouped status once stopped

[2515]( -
[2529]( -
[2517]( -
[2560]( -
`cylc gui`
* put prompt dialogss above all windows
* load new-suite log files after switching to another suite via the File menu
* graph view: reinstate the right-click menu for ghost nodes (lost at cylc-7.5.0)
* job log files:
* fix and document the "extra log files" setting
* add "view in editor" support for extra log files
* add text-editor functionality to `cylc jobscript`
* add "preview jobscript" functionality to the GUI

[2527]( -
[2431]( -
[2435]( -
[2445]( -
[2491]( -
[2484]( -
[2556]( -
improved parameter support:
* allow "%d" integer format in parameter templates
* allow out of range parameter on graph RHS
* allow positive offset for parameter index on graph
* allow negative integer parameters
* allow custom templating of parameter environment variables, in addition to
the built-in `CYLC_TASK_PARAM\_<param-name>`
* allow bare parameter values as task names
* allow explicit parameter values in "inherit" items under "[runtime]"
* fix parameters inside (as opposed to beginning or end) of family names
* fixed inheritance from multiple parameterized namespaces at once

[2553]( - upgraded the bundled Jinja2
version to 2.10. This fixes the block scope problem introduced in the previous

[2558]( - new options to print out JSON
format from `cylc show` and `cylc scan`


[2381]( - validation: fail bad event
handler argument templates

[2416]( - validation: print the problem
namespace in case of bad multiple inheritance

[2426]( - validation: fail
non-predefined config item names (e.g. batch scheduler directives) that contain
multiple consecutive spaces (to ensure that hard-to-spot whitespace typos don't
prevent repeated items from overriding as intended)

[2432]( - fixed an issue that could
cause HTTPS client failure due to SSL certificate host name mismatch

[2434]( - correctly strip "at TIME"
from the end of multi-line task messages

[2440]( - `cylc suite-state`
- fixed DB query of tasks with custom outputs that have not been generated yet

[2444]( - added `cylc
report-timings` to main command help

* server suite and task URLs from suite server programs, rather than parsing
them from the suite definition - so browsing URLs from a remote GUI now
* allow proper string templating of suite and task names in URLs; retained the
old pseudo environment variables for backward compatibility

[2461]( - fixed manual task retrigger
after an aborted edit run - this was erroneously using the edited job file

[2462]( - fixed job polling for the SGE
batch scheduler

[2464]( - fixed the ssh+HTTPS task



[2330]( New suite.rc `[meta]` sections
for suite and task metadata. These hold the existing `title`, `description`,
and `URL` items, plus arbitrary user-defined items. Metadata items can be passed
to event handlers (e.g. a site-specific task "priority" or "importance" rating
could inform an event-handler's decision on whether or not to escalate task

[2401]( New shell function
`cylc__job_abort <message>` to abort task job scripts with a custom message
that can be passed to task failed event handlers.

[2204]( Remove auto-fallback to HTTP
communications, if HTTPS is not available. Now HTTP is only used if explicitly

[2312]( Validation efficiency

[2322]( Runtime efficiency

[2286]( New command `cylc
report-timings` to generate reports of task runtime statistics.

[2304]( New event handlers for general
CRITICAL events.

[2258]( Advanced syntax for excluding
multiple points from cycling sequences.

[2407]( Documented exactly how Cylc
uses ssh, scp, and rsync to interact with remote job hosts.

[2386]( `cylc graph` now plots
implicit dependences as grayed-out ghost nodes.

[2343]( Improved the "Running
Suites" section of the User Guide, including documentation of suite remote

[2344]( Attempt to access suite
service files via the filesystem first, before ssh, for other accounts on the
suite host.

[2360]( Better validation of suite
parameter configuration.

[2314]( In debug mode, send bash job
script xtrace output (from `set -x`) to a separate log file.


[2409]( Fixed the `cylc spawn` command
(it was killing tasks, since cylc-7).

[2378]( Fixed use of negative offsets
by the `cylc suite-state` command.

[2364]( Correctly load completed custom
task outputs on restart.

[2350]( Handle bad event handler
command line templates gracefully.

[2308]( The parameterized task
environment variable `$CYLC_TASK_PARAM_<param>` is now guaranteed to be defined
before any use of it in the user-defined task environment section.

[2296]( Prevent suites stalling after
a restart that closely follows a warm-start (now the restart, like the warm
start, ignores dependence on tasks from before the warm start point).

[2295]( Fixed `cylc cat-log` "open in
editor" functionality for remote job logs.

[2412]( Fixed duplication of log
messages to the old log after restart.



Enhancements and fixes.

Highlighted Changes

[2260]( Open job logs in your text
editor, from CLI (`cylc cat-log`) or GUI.

[2259]( `cylc gscan` - various
improvements: right-click menu is now for suite operations only; other items
moved to a main menubar and toolbar (which can be hidden to retain gscan's
popular minimalist look); added all suite stop options (was just the default
clean stop); task-state colour-key popup updates in-place if theme changed; new
collapse/expand-all toobar buttons.

[2275]( Pass suite and task URLs to
event handlers.

[2272]( Efficiency - reduce memory

* internal efficiency improvements
* allow reset of individual message outputs
* "cylc submit" can now submit families

[2244]( Graph cycling configuration:
multiple exclusion points.

[2240]( Stepped integer parameters.


[2269]( Fix auto suite-polling tasks
(i.e. inter-suite dependence graph syntax) - Broken in 7.3.0.

[2282]( Fix global config processing
of boolean settings - users could not override a site True setting to False.

[2279]( Bundle Jinja2 2.9.6. (up from
2.8) - fixes a known issue with Jinja2 "import with context".

[2255]( Fix handling of suite script
items that contain nothing but comments.

[2247]( Allow `cylc graph --help`
in the absence of an X environment.

Other Changes

[2270]( Detect and fail null tasks in

[2257]( `cylc gscan` - graceful exit
via Ctrl-C.

[2252]( `ssh`: add `-Y` (X Forwarding)
only if necessary.

[2245]( SSL certficate: add serial
number (issue number). This allows curl, browsers, etc. to connect to
suite daemons.

[2265]( `cylc gpanel` - restored
sorting of items by suite name.

[2250]( Updated installation docs
for HTTPS-related requirements.



New Suite Design Guide, plus other enhancements and fixes.

Highlighted Changes

[2211]( New comprehensive Suite Design
Guide document to replace the outdated Suite Design section in the User Guide.

[2232]( `cylc gscan` GUI: stop, hold,
and release suites or groups of suites.

[2220]( dummy and simulation mode improvements:
* new `dummy-local` mode runs dummy tasks as local background jobs (allows
dummy running other-site suites).
* proportional run length, if tasks configure an `execution time limit`
* single common `[simulation]` configuration section for dummy, dummy-local, and
simulation modes.
* dummy or simulated tasks can be made to fail at specific cycle points, and
for first-try only, or all tries.
* custom message outputs now work in simulation mode as well as the dummy modes.

[2218]( fix error trapping in job
scripts (degraded since job file refactoring in 7.1.1)

[2215]( SGE batch system support -
fixed formatting of directives with a space in the name.

Other Notable Changes

[2233]( Upgraded the built-in example
suites to cylc-7 syntax.

[2221]( `cylc gui` GUI dot view - maintain
user selection during update.

[2217]( `cylc gscan` GUI - fix
tracebacks emitted during suite initialization.

[2219]( add `userhost` option to
`cylc monitor` an `cylc gui`. Allows suite selection at startup using `cylc
scan` output.

[2222]( `cylc gui` GUI graph view -
fixed right-click "view prerequisites" sub-menu.

[2213]( Record family inheritance
structure in the run database.



Minor enhancements and fixes.

Highlighted Changes

[2209]( Fixed the `cylc gui` graph
view, broken at cylc-7.2.0.

[2193]( Restored `cylc gscan`
suite-stopped status checkerboard icons, lost at cylc-7.1.1.

[2208]( Use suite host name instead
of suite name in the SSL certificate "common name".

[2206]( Updated User Guide
installation section.

Other Notable Changes

[2191]( Clearer task prerequisites

[2197]( Removed the bundled external
OrderedDict package.

[2194]( `cylc gscan` - better handling
of suites that are still initializing.



Minor enhancements and fixes (note mid-level version number bumped up to
reflect significant changes included in 7.1.1 - esp. job file refactoring).

Highlighted Changes

[2189]( New `assert` and
`raise` functions for handling Jinja2 errors in suites.

Other Changes

[2186]( Use lowercase local shell
variable names in new job script shell functions introduced in 7.1.1, to avoid
overriding shell built-ins such as `$HOSTNAME`.

[2187]( Fixed a bug causing restart
failure in the presence of an active broadcast of a submission timeout value.

[2183]( Use site-configured suite host
self-identification, if present, as hostname in the SSL certificate.

[2182]( Fixed failed User Guide build
in 7.1.1.


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