Highlighted Changes
[1953](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1953): Parameterized tasks: generate
tasks automatically without using messy Jinja2 loops.
[1929](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1929): Under `[runtime]`:
* New task `[[[job]]]` sub-sections unify the various batch system, job
execution, and job polling settings (older settings deprecated).
* A new `[[[job]]] execution time limit` setting allows cylc to:
* automatically generate batch system time limit directives;
* run background or at jobs with the `timeout` command;
* poll job with configurable delays (default 1, 3, 10 minutes) after
reaching the time limit.
* Moved the content of the old `[event hooks]` section to a unified `[events]`
section (older settings deprecated).
[1884](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1884): `cylc gscan` displays a new
warning icon with a tool-tip summary of recent task failures.
[1877](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1877): The `gcylc` status bar now
shows a countdown to the next suite connection attempt, and resets the
connection timer schedule if the user changes view settings.
[1966](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1966): Optionally spawn waiting tasks
out to "max active cycle points" instead of one cycle point ahead. This means
successive instances of the same task can run out of order (dependencies
allowing). Use with caution on large suites with a lot of runahead.
[1940](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1940): Bash tab completion for cylc
Other Changes
[1585](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1585): If a suite stalls, report any
unsatisified task prerequisites that cannot be met.
[1944](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1944): `cylc get-config` now returns
a valid suite definition.
[1875](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1875): Enabled multiple selection in
the gcylc text tree view.
[1900](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1900): Automatically continue graph
string lines that end in (or start with) a dependency arrow.
[1862](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1862): New notation for initial and
final cycle point in graph cycling section headings. E.g. `[[[R1/^+PT1H]]]`
means "run once, one hour after the initial cycle point"; `[[[R1/$-PT1H]]]`
means "run once, one hour before the final cycle point".
[1928](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1928): New notation for excluding a
cycle point from a recurrence expression, e.g. `[[[T00!^]]]` means
"daily at T00 after but not including the initial cycle point".
[1958](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1958): Suite daemon logging upgrade:
improved log file formatting; the log, out, and err files are now rolled over
together as soon as any one reaches the size limit.
[1827](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1827): Suite state dump files no
longer exist - the suite run DB now records all restart information.
[1912](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1912): Fixed coloured `cylc scan -c`
output (broken at 6.10.1).
[1921](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1921): Don't ignore dependencies
among tasks back-inserted prior to a warm-start cycle point.
[1910](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1910): Task job scripts now use `set
-o pipefail` to ensure that failure of any part of a shell pipeline causes a
job failure.
[1886](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1886): When a job is submitted for
the first time, any job logs with higher submit numbers will be removed (
these must have been generated by a previous suite run).
[1946](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1946): Removed annoying warnings
that "self-suicide is not recommended".
[1889](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1889): Record any unhandled task
messages (e.g. general progress messages) in the suite DB.
[1899](https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/1899): Custom task output messages
(for message triggers) are now automatically faked in dummy mode.