
Latest version: v8.0a0

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Three minor bug fixes on top of 6.11.0:

[2002]( fix a bug in the graph string
parser - if a task appears both with and without a cycle point offset in the
same conditional trigger expression (unlikely, but possible!)

[2007]( fix handling of OS Error if
the user run into the limit for number of forked processes.

[2008]( fix occasional traceback from
`cylc gsan`.


Highlighted Changes

[1953]( Parameterized tasks: generate
tasks automatically without using messy Jinja2 loops.

[1929]( Under `[runtime]`:
* New task `[[[job]]]` sub-sections unify the various batch system, job
execution, and job polling settings (older settings deprecated).
* A new `[[[job]]] execution time limit` setting allows cylc to:
* automatically generate batch system time limit directives;
* run background or at jobs with the `timeout` command;
* poll job with configurable delays (default 1, 3, 10 minutes) after
reaching the time limit.
* Moved the content of the old `[event hooks]` section to a unified `[events]`
section (older settings deprecated).

[1884]( `cylc gscan` displays a new
warning icon with a tool-tip summary of recent task failures.

[1877]( The `gcylc` status bar now
shows a countdown to the next suite connection attempt, and resets the
connection timer schedule if the user changes view settings.

[1966]( Optionally spawn waiting tasks
out to "max active cycle points" instead of one cycle point ahead. This means
successive instances of the same task can run out of order (dependencies
allowing). Use with caution on large suites with a lot of runahead.

[1940]( Bash tab completion for cylc

Other Changes

[1585]( If a suite stalls, report any
unsatisified task prerequisites that cannot be met.

[1944]( `cylc get-config` now returns
a valid suite definition.

[1875]( Enabled multiple selection in
the gcylc text tree view.

[1900]( Automatically continue graph
string lines that end in (or start with) a dependency arrow.

[1862]( New notation for initial and
final cycle point in graph cycling section headings. E.g. `[[[R1/^+PT1H]]]`
means "run once, one hour after the initial cycle point"; `[[[R1/$-PT1H]]]`
means "run once, one hour before the final cycle point".

[1928]( New notation for excluding a
cycle point from a recurrence expression, e.g. `[[[T00!^]]]` means
"daily at T00 after but not including the initial cycle point".

[1958]( Suite daemon logging upgrade:
improved log file formatting; the log, out, and err files are now rolled over
together as soon as any one reaches the size limit.

[1827]( Suite state dump files no
longer exist - the suite run DB now records all restart information.

[1912]( Fixed coloured `cylc scan -c`
output (broken at 6.10.1).

[1921]( Don't ignore dependencies
among tasks back-inserted prior to a warm-start cycle point.

[1910]( Task job scripts now use `set
-o pipefail` to ensure that failure of any part of a shell pipeline causes a
job failure.

[1886]( When a job is submitted for
the first time, any job logs with higher submit numbers will be removed (
these must have been generated by a previous suite run).

[1946]( Removed annoying warnings
that "self-suicide is not recommended".

[1889]( Record any unhandled task
messages (e.g. general progress messages) in the suite DB.

[1899]( Custom task output messages
(for message triggers) are now automatically faked in dummy mode.



Highlighted Changes

[1848]( Automatic stalled-suite
detection, a "stalled" event hook, and an option to abort (shutdown) if stalled.

[1850]( Much reduced CPU loading in
cycling suites that have progressed far beyond their initial cycle point (cache
recent points to avoid continually iterating from the start).

[1836]( New `gscan.rc` file to
configure the initial state of `cylc gpanel` and `cylc gscan` (e.g. which
columns to display).

[1849]( New configuration options for
the `gcylc` GUI, e.g. to set the initial window size.

Other Changes

[1863]( Report tasks added or removed
by a suite reload.

[1844]( Allow client commands from
another suite's task (these would previously load the passphrase for the parent
suite rather than the target suite).

[1866]( Allow explicitly unset
intervals in cylc config files, e.g. `execution timeout = (nothing)`.

[1863]( Fixed a recent bug (since in


Highlighted Changes

[1839]( `gcylc` - fix for occasional
locked-up blank GUI window at start-up (since 6.8.0, Jan 2016).

[1841]( `gcylc` tree view - fix for
excessive CPU load when displaying large suites (since 6.10.0).

[1838]( Fix for the suite timeout
event timer not resetting on task activity (since 6.10.0).

Other Changes

[1835]( Suite reload - reload all
tasks at once (previously, current active tasks were reloaded only when they
finished, which could result in reloads appearing to take a long time).

[1833]( `gcylc` - initial task state
filtering configurable via the `gcylc.rc` config file.

[1826]( Prevent tasks becoming immune
to change by suite reload after being orphaned by one reload (i.e. removed from
the suite) then re-inserted after another.

[1804]( PBS job name length - truncate
to 15 characters by default, but can now be configured in `global.rc` for PBS
13+, which supports longer names.



Highlighted Changes

[1819]( Suite daemon efficiency
and memory footprint - significant improvements!

[1777]( Faster validation of
suites with large inter-dependent families. See also

[1743]( Improved event handling:
flexible handlers, built-in email handlers, execute event handlers
asynchronously, general suite event handlers.

[1729]( `gcylc` - The *File -> Open*
dialog can now connect to suites running on other scanned hosts.

[1821]( Right-click on a cycle-point
in the `gcylc` text tree view to operate on all tasks at that cycle point.

Other Changes

[1714]( Further improvements to Jinja2
error reporting.

[1755]( Pyro-3.16 is now packaged with
with cylc and has been modified to reduce the overhead of repeated calls to
`socket.gethost*`. We will eventually replace it with a new client/server
communications layer.

[1807]( Dropped support for
_detaching_ (or _manual completion_) tasks.

[1805]( `gcylc` - corrected the suite
hold/release button state during active suite reloads.

[1802]( Do not unregister running
suites or assume that the argument of `cylc unregister` is a pattern.

[1800]( Print a sensible error message
for a suite graph section with a zero-width cycling interval.

[1791]( Documented how to write suites
with efficient inter-family triggering.

[1789]( Fixed a bug causing high CPU
load in large suites with `queued` tasks present.

[1788]( Fixed a bug that could
occasionally result in missing entries in suite run databases.

[1784]( Corrected and improved the
advice printed at start-up on how to see if a suite is still running.

[1781]( Fixed a bug that could disable
the right-click menu for some tasks after enabling a filter.

[1768]( Client commands like `cylc
broadcast` can now be invoked by tasks on remote hosts that do not share a
filesystem with the suite host.

[1763]( Remote tasks now load
the right suite passphrase even if a locally registered suite has
the same name.

[1762]( Fixed polling of jobs
submitted to loadleveler (broken since 6.8.1).

[1779]( Allow task names that contain
family names after a hyphen.


For changes prior to cylc-6.10.0 see doc/changes.html in the cylc source tree.

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