- Use `acryo` for subtomogram averaging. Accordingly, many simplification and improvements in structural reconstruction.
- Experimental polarity check functions.
- Viterbi alignment of distance-constrained and distance-and-angle-constrained method (implemented in C++).
- Missing wedge compensation.
- Curvature-oriented approximation of 3D spline. Accordingly, global variable is changed to fit this.
New Features
- Use relative path in project file if possible.
- Add binning option in local/global-CFT.
- Use Yen's thresholding to determine proper iso-surface threshold to show reconstruction.
- Write time spent on each long-running algorithm in log.
- Support `"nearest"` interpolation.
- Add method in GUI to concatenate molecule layers.
- Change in default arguments (interpolation of subtomogram alignment: 1 → 3; alignment method: PCC → ZNCC).