
Latest version: v0.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 663899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Features added

* Type inference with the infer_types directive

* Seamless C++ complex support

* Fast extension type instantiation using the normal Python meme obj = MyType.__new__(MyType)

* Improved support for Py3.1

* Cython now runs under Python 3.x using the 2to3 tool

* unittest support for doctests in Cython modules

* Optimised handling of C strings (char*): for c in cstring[2:50] and cstring.decode()

* Looping over c pointers: for i in intptr[:50].

* pyximport improvements

* cython_freeze improvements

Bugs fixed

* Many bug fixes

Other changes

* Many other optimisation, e.g. enumerate() loops, parallel swap assignments (a,b = b,a), and unicode.encode()

* More complete numpy.pxd



Features added

* There's now native complex floating point support! C99 complex will be used if complex.h is included, otherwise explicit complex arithmetic working on all C compilers is used. [Robert Bradshaw]


cdef double complex a = 1 + 0.3j
cdef np.ndarray[np.complex128_t, ndim=2] arr = \
np.zeros(10, np.complex128)

* Cython can now generate a main()-method for embedding of the Python interpreter into an executable (see 289) [Robert Bradshaw]

* wraparound directive (another way to disable arr[idx] for negative idx) [Dag Sverre Seljebotn]

* Correct support for NumPy record dtypes with different alignments, and "cdef packed struct" support [Dag Sverre Seljebotn]

* callspec directive, allowing custom calling convention macros [Lisandro Dalcin]

Bugs fixed

Other changes

* Bug fixes and smaller improvements. For the full list, see [1].

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