* Add functions to the built-in "sass:math" module.
* `clamp($min, $number, $max)`. Clamps `$number` in between `$min` and `$max`.
* `hypot($numbers...)`. Given *n* numbers, outputs the length of the
*n*-dimensional vector that has components equal to each of the inputs.
* Exponential. All inputs must be unitless.
* `log($number)` or `log($number, $base)`. If no base is provided, performs
a natural log.
* `pow($base, $exponent)`
* `sqrt($number)`
* Trigonometric. The input must be an angle. If no unit is given, the input is
assumed to be in `rad`.
* `cos($number)`
* `sin($number)`
* `tan($number)`
* Inverse trigonometric. The output is in `deg`.
* `acos($number)`. Input must be unitless.
* `asin($number)`. Input must be unitless.
* `atan($number)`. Input must be unitless.
* `atan2($y, $x)`. `$y` and `$x` must have compatible units or be unitless.
* Add the variables `$pi` and `$e` to the built-in "sass:math" module.
JavaScript API
* `constructor.value` fields on value objects now match their Node Sass