
Latest version: v0.5.2

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Command-Line Interface

* Fix a bug when compiling all Sass files in a directory where a CSS file could
be compiled to its own location, creating an infinite loop in `--watch` mode.

* Properly compile CSS entrypoints in directories outside of `--watch` mode.


* Fix a bug preventing built-in modules from being loaded within a configured

* Fix a bug preventing an unconfigured module from being loaded from within two
different configured modules.

* Fix a bug when `meta.load-css()` was used to load some files that included
media queries.

* Allow `saturate()` in plain CSS files, since it can be used as a plain CSS
filter function.

* Improve the error messages for trying to access functions like `lighten()`
from the `sass:color` module.


* **Launch the new Sass module system!** This adds:

* The [`use` rule][], which loads Sass files as *modules* and makes their
members available only in the current file, with automatic namespacing.

[`use` rule]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/use

* The [`forward` rule][], which makes members of another Sass file available
to stylesheets that `use` the current file.

[`forward` rule]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/forward

* Built-in modules named `sass:color`, `sass:list`, `sass:map`, `sass:math`,
`sass:meta`, `sass:selector`, and `sass:string` that provide access to all
the built-in Sass functions you know and love, with automatic module

* The [`meta.load-css()` mixin][], which includes the CSS contents of a module
loaded from a (potentially dynamic) URL.

[`meta.load-css()` mixin]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/meta#load-css

* The [`meta.module-variables()` function][], which provides access to the
variables defined in a given module.

[`meta.module-variables()` function]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/meta#module-variables

* The [`meta.module-functions()` function][], which provides access to the
functions defined in a given module.

[`meta.module-functions()` function]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/meta#module-functions

Check out [the Sass blog][migrator blog] for more information on the new
module system. You can also use the new [Sass migrator][] to automatically
migrate your stylesheets to the new module system!

[migrator blog]: https://sass-lang.com/blog/the-module-system-is-launched
[Sass migrator]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/cli/migrator


* **Potentially breaking bug fix:** character sequences consisting of two or
more hyphens followed by a number (such as `--123`), or two or more hyphens on
their own (such as `--`), are now parsed as identifiers [in accordance with
the CSS spec][ident-token-diagram].

[ident-token-diagram]: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#ident-token-diagram

The sequence `--` was previously parsed as multiple applications of the `-`
operator. Since this is unlikely to be used intentionally in practice, we
consider this bug fix safe.

Command-Line Interface

* Fix a bug where changes in `.css` files would be ignored in `--watch` mode.

JavaScript API

* Allow underscore-separated custom functions to be defined.

* Improve the performance of Node.js compilation involving many `import`s.


* Don't try to load unquoted plain-CSS indented-syntax imports.

* Fix a couple edge cases in `extend` logic and related selector functions:

* Recognize `:matches()` and similar pseudo-selectors as superselectors of
matching complex selectors.

* Recognize `::slotted()` as a superselector of other `::slotted()` selectors.

* Recognize `:current()` with a vendor prefix as a superselector.


* Fix a bug in which `get-function()` would fail to find a dash-separated
function when passed a function name with underscores.

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