We're pleased to announce the release of dask-image 0.4.0!
The major highlight of this release is support for cupy GPU arrays for dask-image subpackages imread and ndfilters.
Cupy version 7.7.0 or higher is required to use this functionality.
GPU support for the remaining dask-image subpackages (ndmorph, ndfourier, and ndmeasure) will be rolled out at a later date, beginning with ndmorph.
We also have a new function, threshold_local, similar to the scikit-image local threshold function.
Lastly, we've made more improvements to the user documentation, which includes work by new contributor abhisht51.
New Features
* GPU support for ndfilters & imread modules (151)
* threshold_local function for dask-image ndfilters (112)
* Add function coverage table to the dask-image docs (155)
* Developer documentation: release guide (142)
* Use tifffile for testing instead of scikit-image (145)
3 authors added to this release (alphabetical)
* `Abhisht Singh <https://github.com/dask/dask-image/commits?author=abhisht51>`_ - abhisht51
* `Genevieve Buckley <https://github.com/dask/dask-image/commits?author=GenevieveBuckley>`_ - GenevieveBuckley
* `jakirkham <https://github.com/dask/dask-image/commits?author=jakirkham>`_ - jakirkham
2 reviewers added to this release (alphabetical)
* `Genevieve Buckley <https://github.com/dask/dask-image/commits?author=GenevieveBuckley>`_ - GenevieveBuckley
* `Juan Nunez-Iglesias <https://github.com/dask/dask-image/commits?author=jni>`_ - jni