This release adds a new feature to the `Live` client for automatically reconnecting when an unexpected disconnection occurs.
- Added `Reference` data client with `corporate_actions.get_range(...)` method
- Added `ReconnectPolicy` enumeration
- Added `reconnect_policy` parameter to the `Live` client to specify client reconnection behavior
- Added `Live.add_reconnect_callback` method for specifying a callback to handle client reconnections
- Added platform information to the user agent reported by the `Historical` and `Live` clients
- Upgraded `databento-dbn` to 0.19.1
- Added `BBOMsg`, `CBBOMsg`, and `StatusMsg` exports to the root `databento` package
Breaking changes
- Calling `Live.stop` will now clear all user streams and callbacks
- Renamed `Session` to `LiveSession` in the `` module