Bug fixes - Fixed issue where extra `python` key was sent by the `Live` client
Breaking changes - Renamed the `TimeSeriesHttpAPI` class to `TimeseriesHttpAPI`
Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where `DBNStore.to_csv()`, `DBNStore.to_df()`, `DBNStore.to_json()`, and `DBNStore.to_ndarray()` would consume large amounts of memory
This release includes improvements to the ergonomics of the clients metadata API, you can read more about the changes [here](https://databento.com/blog/api-improvements-august-2023).
Enhancements - Upgraded `databento-dbn` to 0.8.2
Breaking changes - Changed `metadata.list_publishers()` to return a list of publisher details objects - Changed `metadata.list_fields(...)` to return a list of field detail objects for a particular schema and encoding - Changed `metadata.list_fields(...)` to require the `schema` and `encoding` parameters - Changed `metadata.list_unit_prices(...)` to return a list of unit prices for each feed mode and data schema - Changed `metadata.list_unit_prices(...)` to require the `dataset` parameter - Removed `metadata.list_unit_prices(...)` `mode` and `schema` parameters - Removed `metadata.list_fields(...)` `dataset` parameter
Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where starting a `Live` client before subscribing gave an incorrect error message - Fixed an issue where a `Live` client exception callback would fail when the callback function does not have a `__name__` attribute
This release includes updates to the fields in text encodings (CSV and JSON), you can read more about the changes [here](https://databento.com/blog/CSV-JSON-updates-july-2023).
Enhancements - Added `rtype` field to all schemas that was previously excluded
Breaking changes - Reordered fields of DataFrame and CSV encoded records to match historical API
Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where the `end` parameter in `timeseries.get_range_async` did not support a value of `None` - Fixed an issue where `timeseries.get_range` requests would begin with an invalid `path` parameter