**Features and Improvements**
* Add support for serializing the following Python types:
- ``defaultdict`` (via the ``typing.DefaultDict`` annotation)
- ``UUID``'s
- The special variadic form of ``Tuple``.
For example, ``Tuple[str, ...]``.
- A special case where optional type arguments are passed to ``Tuple``.
For example, ``Tuple[str, Optional[int], Union[bool, str, None]]``
* Add new ``LetterCase.LISP`` Enum member, which references the ``to_lisp_case`` helper function
* All the ``Enum``-subclass attributes in ``JSONSerializable.Meta``
now additionally support strings as values; they will be parsed using the Enum
``name`` field by default, and should format helpful messages on
any lookup errors.
* Remove the ``LoadMixin.load_with_object`` method, as that was already
deprecated and slated to be removed.
* Update the ``get_class_name`` helper function to handle the edge case
when classes are defined within a function.
* Update a few ``load_to...`` methods as a ``staticmethod``