**Features and Improvements**
* Update :class:`MissingFields` to provide a more user-friendly error message,
in cases where a missing dataclass field is not snake-cased, but could - with
the right *key transform* - map to a key in the JSON object. For example, a JSON key of ``myField`` and a field
named ``MyField``.
* Fixed a bug in the load (or de-serialization) process with ``from_dict``, where a :class:`MissingFields` was raised
in cases where a dataclass field is not snake-cased, but is otherwise identical to a key in the JSON object.
For example, a JSON key and field |both named viewMode|_. The JSON data in such cases should now be correctly
de-serialized to a dataclass instance as expected.
.. _both named viewMode: https://github.com/rnag/dataclass-wizard/issues/54
.. |both named viewMode| replace:: both named ``viewMode``