
Latest version: v0.5.9

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What's changed
- Add Multi-LLMs support, LLaMA-2(7b, 13b, 70b), BaiChuan(7b, 13b) fangyinc
- Fix DML and DDL Execute bug. yhjun1026
- Chat2Word support Aries-ckt
- Split Webui to DB-GPT-Web subprojet yhjun1026
- Fix MySql Keyword bug yiqijiu
- Add Multi-Database connections. (MySQL, mssql, etc) yhjun1026
- Add Readme Content. csunny


What's Changed

1. support llama-2 model fangyinc
2. add autoDL image and faq Aries-ckt
3. add dbgpt api and you can use dbgpt according pip install dbgpt Aries-ckt
4. structured prompt data interaction between dbgpt-server and llm-server fangyinc

1. 支持llama-2系列模型
2. 提供AutoDL镜像


What's Changed
1. Solving the chatglm2-6b Multi GPUS Reasoning Problem qutcat1997
2. chatglm not working in doc qa, meta qa and plugin fangyinc
1. 解决chatglm2-6b多卡推理问题 qutcat1997
2. chatglm 模型在知识问答, 数据库问答优化 fangyinc


What's changed
This version, we have added more models and released more experiments and evaluation results. Multiple functions have been expanded, including datasets ,APIs and so on , conclude as follows:

1. Newly released and added evaluation results for multiple models including base, lora and qlora, updated in docs/eval_llm_result.md. Models include llama2-7b, 13b, codellama2-7b, 13b, baichuan2-7b, 13b, Qwen7b, 14b, mainly completed by wangzaistone, zhanghy-sketchzh, junewgl, Jian1273 and zhoufan, qidanrui.
2. Newly completed fine-tuning development and training of codellama-13b in the project and released sota weights, mainly by wangzaistone, Jian1273 and zhanghy-sketchzh offering assistance.
3. Updated evaluation methods and results on the testsuit dataset, mainly by wangzaistone, JBoRu and junewgl.
4. Newly reconstructed log output code structure, mainly by wangzaistone and zhanghy-sketchzh.
5. Newly supported adding other datasets during training, mainly by Jian1273, assisted by wangzaistone and John-Saxon.
6. Newly added and improved deepspeed support, by Jian1273, wangzaistone, zhanghy-sketchzh.
7. Newly added workflow, by qidanrui.
8. Newly added API interfaces, including the entire data processing, training, prediction and evaluation process (144), by qidanrui.
9. Summarized everyone's models as baseline results in the API interface (junewgl and qidanrui).
10. Newly added poetry installation and operation methods, by qidanrui.
11. Newly added chatglm3 model support, and released training and evaluation results, by wangzaistone.
12. Continuously maintained Chinese and English documentation including adding related parameters, experimental indicators and data descriptions, grammar checks, etc., mainly by wangzaistone and qidanrui, assisted by zhanghy-sketchzh and Jian1273.
13. Clarified future development directions including interfaces and so on , by csunny.

Thanks to partner John-Saxon for starting to contribute code 83 122 (contributed initial multi-round dialog data code) simonchuzz (contributed initial code for database-assisted training data construction functionality).
Thanks to qidanrui for starting to submit code in this version and improving multiple parts.


What's Changed
1. Add LLM Support for ChatGLM2-6b、ChatGLM-6b-int4 csunny

1. 支持ChatGLM2-6b、ChatGLM2-6b-int4模型。 csunny


a. Multi-model management supports gpt4all-6b, which can run on M1/M2 and CPU. 178 sheri528
b. ChatDB capability of vectors and DBs, conversations can be carried out based on the metadata information of the database. Aries-ckt
c. The plug-in model is built for ease of use, and the Chat2Dashboard capability is built in by default. yhjun1026
d. Added Weaviate support for unified vector storage. 222 younis-ba
e. Multi GPU support 203 207 zhanghy-sketchzh
f. Add ChatGPT API Proxy 144 xuyuan23

- DB-GPT v0.2.2 版本发布,主要更新以下功能:
a. 多模型管理支持gpt4all-6b, 可以在M1/M2以及CPU上运行。
b. 基于向量与DB的ChatDB能力发布,可以根据数据库元数据信息进行对话。
c. 插件模型易用性建设,默认内置了Chat2Dashboard能力.
d. 统一向量存储新增Weaviate支持。
e. 多GPU推理支持。
g. 支持OpenAI proxy代理

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