
Latest version: v0.5.9

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What's Changed
- llm model manage support gorilla 173 zhanghy-sketchzh
- llm model manage support falcon 175 zhanghy-sketchzh
- documents chart embedding index error fix 77 Aries-ckt
- position adjustment, LLM nativate chat by default csunny


What's changed
This version, we have refactored the entire project code and made related optimizations, achieving an execution accuracy on the Spider evaluation set that surpasses GPT-4 (compared with third-party evaluation results).

1. Initial code refactoring by csunny
2. Framework for code refactoring confirmed by wangzaistone and csunny
3. Code refinement and iteration for configs, data, data_process, eval, llm_base, predict, train etc, primarily developed by wangzaistone ,with assistance from Jian1273 zhanghy-sketchzh junewgl
4. relevant training experiments and results by wangzaistone and Jian1273


What's Changed
- supports multiple language modes, and the language can be set in the configuration file .env.template (currently supports Chinese [zh] and English [en]) xuyuan23


What's Changed
- Built-in database query plugin, supports automatic data querying. yhjun1026
- Support milvus vector storage. Aries-ckt
- Update the docs use readthedocs. csunny
- Add lint for source code yihong0618


Add docs for DB-GPT project. the project url is there: [db-gpt.readthedocs.io](https://db-gpt.readthedocs.io/)


Multi llm model support:
- model_adapter for load multi models
- chat_adapter for chat with models.
Supports multiple large language models, currently supporting Vicuna (7b, 13b), ChatGLM-6b (int4, int8)

- 新增Model Adapter 以及Chat Adapter, 后续可以通过实现adapter接入更多大模型
- 只是库支持ChatGLM-6b

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