- enh: sort basin definition before exporting to JSON; the side-effect is that the unique key for a basin changes, possibly resulting in duplicated basin definitions for existing datasets - enh: make sure every basin can be identified with a key created from its definition; important for connecting the basin dictionaries with the instantiated basins
- fix: metadata of tables not copied by `copier.py` - docs: formatting typo (270)
- fix: IntegrityChecker must not load basins - fix: KeyError in IntegrityChecker when "basin_events" group missing (268) - fix: warn user about missing internal basin features while still loading those that are available (268) - fix: do not copy internal basin definitions for non-existent features (269) - docs: clarify interpretation of [qpi]: "filter size" metadata (267) - tests: avoid architecture and Python-version dependent test
- enh: support passing pathlib.Path to lme4.rsetup.set_*_path methods - docs: correct keyword arguments for advanced section on S3
- enh: make set_r_lib_path available in lme4 submodule
- enh: honor R_LIBS_USER environment variable when running R