- feat: allow to obtain a mask representing the filtered data with
the `ret_mask` kwarg in `RTDCBase.get_downsampled_scatter`
- feat: allow to force-exclude invalid (inf/nan) events when downsampling
using the `remove_invalid` keyword argument
- feat: exclude empty initial images in dclab-tdms2rtdc;
they may optionally be included with "--include-initial-empty-image"
- feat: new property `RTDCBase.features_innate` (measuerd feature)
- enh: log which ancillary features were computed in dclab-tdms2rtdc (65)
- enh: improved tdms meta data import (also affects dclab-tdms2rtdc)
- enh: update channel count and samples per event when writing hdf5 data
- enh: dclab-verify-dataset now recognizes invalid tdms data
- enh: several other improvements when reading tdms data
- enh: group meta data in log files (dclab-tdms2rtdc and dclab-join)
- fix: correctly handle hdf5 export when the image or contour columns
have incorrect sizes (affects dclab-tdms2rtdc)
- fix: ignore empty configuration values when loading tdms data
- fix: image/contour files were searched recursively instead of
only in the directory of the tdms file
- fix: check for precence of "time" feature before using it to
correct measurement date and time
- fix: ancillary feature computation for brightness had wrong
dependency coded (contour instead of mask)
- fix: ancillary feature computation when contour data is involved lead to
error, because `LazyContourList` did not implement `identifier` (see 61)
- ref: remove NoContourDataWarning for tdms file format
- tests: improve dataset checks (64)