
Latest version: v0.2.3

Safety actively analyzes 687881 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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:sparkles: Features

- :dart: feat: add store that support json line on staging. (_2024-10-21_)
- :dart: feat: move metadata file from python object on mem to file base. (_2024-10-21_)
- :dart: feat: add archiving variable on archive register object. (_2024-10-21_)
- :dart: feat: add reverse_readline function on files utils. (_2024-10-20_)
- :dart: feat: move argument of open file on store module to class argument. (_2024-10-20_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :test_tube: tests: add testcase for cover files module. (_2024-10-22_)
- :test_tube: tests: add testcase for cover register module. (_2024-10-22_)
- :test_tube: tests: update testcase for store module. (_2024-10-21_)
- :art: styled: move typing define to __type file. (_2024-10-21_)
- :test_tube: tests: add clear data path after testing. (_2024-10-21_)
- :art: styled: change param type annotation. (_2024-10-20_)

:postbox: Dependencies

- :pushpin: deps: update version fmtutil==1.0.11. (_2024-10-21_)


:sparkles: Features

- :dart: feat: remove loading argument from register object. (_2024-10-19_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :art: styled: change code format on register module. (_2024-10-19_)
- :test_tube: tests: update testcase for register module. (_2024-10-19_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: remove store sqlite object. (_2024-10-19_)
- :gear: fixed: split metadata management from init to method. (_2024-10-19_)


:sparkles: Features

- :dart: feat: change params from pydantic model to dataclass. (_2024-10-19_)
- :dart: feat: change config object to store object. (_2024-10-17_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :test_tube: tests: update testcase for config module. (_2024-10-19_)
- :art: styled: change argument and variable name of store in register module. (_2024-10-19_)
- :test_tube: tests: update testcase for stores module. (_2024-10-18_)
- :construction: refactored: change method name in the stores module. (_2024-10-17_)
- :art: styled: change varible name on register module. (_2024-10-16_)

:card_file_box: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme file. (_2024-10-19_)

:postbox: Dependencies

- :pushpin: deps: update version ddeutil[all]==0.4.3. (_2024-10-17_)


:sparkles: Features

- :dart: feat: add dynamic reading data on csv file format. (_2024-10-09_)
- :dart: feat: remove engine and value from param model. (_2024-10-07_)
- :dart: feat: add comment pragma for exclude coverage. (_2024-10-07_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :test_tube: tests: add testcase for json open file object. (_2024-10-09_)
- :art: styled: change variable name that use on testcase. (_2024-10-08_)
- :art: styled: change variable name on files module. (_2024-10-08_)
- :test_tube: tests: reformat testcase name for support features change. (_2024-10-08_)
- :art: styled: change code styled. (_2024-10-07_)

:card_file_box: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme for optional deps. (_2024-10-09_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme file. (_2024-10-07_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: change import for support ddeutil 0.4.2. (_2024-10-07_)

:package: Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: change ruff run only pre-commit stage. (_2024-10-09_)
- :toolbox: build: add coverage workflow. (_2024-10-07_)
- :toolbox: build: change pre-commit config syntax support pre-commit version 4. (_2024-10-07_)
- :toolbox: build: add support nogil for python version 3.13. (_2024-10-07_)

:postbox: Dependencies

- :pushpin: deps: adjust optional dependency. (_2024-10-08_)


:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: move models to vendor package. (_2024-10-07_)
- :art: styled: change __conf and __regex to conf module. (_2024-10-07_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump msgpack from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0 (_2024-10-01_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.10.0 to 1.10.2 (_2024-10-01_)

:card_file_box: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme file. (_2024-10-07_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update docs-string on files module. (_2024-09-26_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update doc-string on files. (_2024-09-26_)


:sparkles: Features

- :dart: feat: add config and base import on root package. (_2024-09-26_)

:card_file_box: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update header of readme. (_2024-09-26_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: change keyword of this package. (_2024-09-26_)

:postbox: Dependencies

- :pushpin: deps: fixed install ddeutil with all optional. (_2024-09-26_)
- :pushpin: deps: update pydantic to 2.9.2. (_2024-09-26_)
- :pushpin: deps: update dependency; ddeutil==0.4.0 fmtutil==1.0.10. (_2024-09-26_)

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