
Latest version: v0.2.3

Safety actively analyzes 687852 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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:sparkles: Features

- :dart: feat: migrate ddeutil-node to this package. (_2023-10-02_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :bookmark: Bump up to version 0.0.3 -> 0.0.4. (_2024-05-05_)
- :test_tube: test: reformat testcase results. (_2024-05-05_)
- :test_tube: test: add optional import dotenv package for dev env. (_2023-10-12_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: update python version from 38 to 39. (_2024-05-05_)
- :gear: fixed: change version deps that updated from fmtutil. (_2023-10-12_)

:package: Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: split step on publish workflow for each env. (_2024-05-05_)



- :dart: feat: add loader arg to Register object for dynamic config loader. (_2023-09-26_)
- :dart: feat: add OpenDir object that read compress dir like zip or tar. (_2023-09-26_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: change openfile cls attr to init attr for dynamic open file. (_2023-09-26_)
- :construction: refactored: add classmethod after field_validate decorator. (_2023-09-16_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update README file that move all module to features topic. (_2023-09-26_)



- :dart: feat: add engine path config in Params model object for dynamic paths. (_2023-09-15_)
- :dart: feat: add mapping utils modules for map config data from file. (_2023-09-15_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: add the io modules to __init__ file. (_2023-09-15_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update python supported version on README. (_2023-09-15_)



- :dart: feat: initial first version of IO module to this proj (_2023-09-13_)

Code Changes

- :test_tube: test: test case register object initialize without Params config. (_2023-09-14_)
- :construction: refactored: change timestamp value on RuleData from pair of metric to dict. (_2023-09-14_)
- :construction: refactored: add reset class method to Register object. (_2023-09-14_)
- :construction: refactor: Initial commit (_2023-09-13_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update README file for config and register modules. (_2023-09-14_)

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