Upgrade Notes
- The legacy Django configuration method (deprecated in 0.34) has been removed.
- botocore: Update trace propagation format for directly invoked Lambda functions. This breaks compatibility with Lambda functions instrumented with datadog-lambda-python \< v41 or datadog-lambda-js \< v3.57.0. Please upgrade datadog-lambda-\* in invoked lambda functions, or engage legacy compatibility mode in one of two ways:
- ddtrace.config.botocore.invoke_with_legacy_context = True
Deprecation Notes
- `monkey.patch_module` is deprecated.
- `monkey.get_patch_module` is deprecated.
New Features
- Added support for `jinja2~=3.0.0`.
- The pytest integration now uses the name of the repository being tested as the default test service name.
- Added support for `aiopg~=0.16.0`.
- Add MariaDB integration.
- The profiler now exports active tasks for CPU and wall time profiles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue with enabling the runtime worker introduced in v0.49.0 where no runtime metrics were sent to the agent.
- Fix pymongo 3.12.0+ spans not being generated.
- Fixed JSON encoding errors in the pytest plugin for parameterized tests with dictionary parameters with tuple keys. The pytest plugin now always JSON encodes the string representations of test parameters.
- Fixed JSON encoding errors in the pytest plugin for parameterized tests with complex Python object parameters. The pytest plugin now defaults to encoding the string representations of non-JSON serializable test parameters.
- Fix a possible NoneType error in the WSGI middleware start_response method.