
Latest version: v2.17.3

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Not secure

Core and Internal

* writer: disable `excepthook` metric by default (1095)
* writer: send statistics less often and disable by default (1094)


Read the [full changeset](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/compare/v0.30.0...v0.30.1) and the [release milestone](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/milestone/48?closed=1).


Not secure
In addition to resolving several integration related issues, this release improves critical core components for tracing and runtime metrics.


Core and Internal

* core: ensure we cast sample rate to a float (1072)
* core: add https support (1055 -- thanks raylu)
* core: tag sampling decision (1045)
* internal: allow to ignore certain field when computing object size (1087)
* internal: enable `rediscluster` by default (1084)
* internal: remove unused slot (1081)
* internal: fix iteration on slot class if attribute is unset (1080)
* internal: add platform tags as default for runtime metrics (1078)
* internal: add rate limit effective sample rate (1046)
* runtime: add lang and tracer_version tags to runtime metrics (1069)
* runtime: flush writer stats to dogstatsd (1068)
* runtime: fix gc0 test (1067)
* runtime: batch statsd flushes (1063)
* runtime: add tracer env tag to runtime metrics (1051)
* tracer: fix configure(collect_metrics) argument (1066)
* tracer: count the number of unhandled exception via dogstatsd (1077)
* tracer: grab the env tag from the tags, not a special var (1070)
* tracer: expose finished attribute (1058)
* tracer: remove tracer property function (1042)
* writer: add memory size statistics to the queue (1071)
* writer: add statistics to `Q` (1065)


* aiohttp: handle 5XX responses as errors (1082)
* bottle: handle 5XX responses as errors (1083)
* cassandra: handle batched bound statements in python3 (1062 -- thanks jdost)
* consul: add instrumentation for consul (1048 -- thanks phil-dd)
* consul: use consistent span name (1053 -- thanks phil-dd)
* grpc: fix channel interceptors (1050)
* httplib: make docs consistent with implementation (1049)
* tornado: code snippet fix in documentation (1047)


Read the [full changeset](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/compare/v0.29.0...v0.30.0) and the [release milestone](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/milestone/46?closed=1).


Not secure
This release introduces a new contextvars-based context manager in Python 3.7 and adds support for Tornado 5 and 6 with Python 3.7. In addition, the release includes several updates for our Django integration.



[internal] Add generic rate limiter (1029)
[internal] Add support for contextvars to tracer in py37 (990)
[internal] Vendor monotonic package (1026)
[dev] Update span test utils (1028)
[dev] Allow extra args to scripts/run-tox-scenario (1027)
[dev] Remove unused circle env vars for release (1016)


[tornado] minor documentation fix (1038)
[tornado] document overriding on_finish and log_exception (1037)
[tornado] Add support for Tornado 5 and 6 with Python 3.7 (1034)
[pymongo] Add support for PyMongo 3.9 (1023)
[django] enable distributed tracing by default (1031)
[django] Create test for empty middleware (1022 -- thanks ryanwilsonperkin)
[django] Patch DBs in django app config (1019 -- thanks JBKahn)
[django] Setup pytest-django (995)

Read the [full changeset](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/compare/v0.28.0...v0.29.0) and the [release milestone](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/milestone/45?closed=1).


Not secure
This release introduces container tagging and adds support for gRPC server.



* [grpc] Add support for GRPC server (960)
* [django] Only set sample rate if rate is set (1009)
* [django] Update how we get the http.url (1010)
* [django] Improve Django docs (1002 -- thanks adamchainz)
* [pylibmc] Fix client when tracer is disabled (1004)


* [core] Parse and send container id with payloads to the agent (1007)
* [internal] Change log from exception to debug (1013)
* documentation bugfix (1017)
* Add back release:wheel (1015)
* [tests] Adding in helpful default packages (1008)
* [dev] Map .git into ddtest for setuptools_scm (1006)
* Use setuptools_scm to handle version numbers (999)
* Use Python 3 for test_build job (994)
* writer: fix deprecated log.warn use (993 -- thanks deterralba)
* Upload wheels on release (989)

Read the [full changeset](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/compare/v0.27.1...v0.28.0) and the [release milestone](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/milestone/44?closed=1).


Not secure
This patch release includes performance fix which is highly recommended for anyone currently using 0.27.0.


* 0.27 Performance Fix 1000

Read the [full changeset](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/compare/v0.27.0...v0.27.1)


Not secure
This release introduces improvements to the trace writer. In addition, the release fixes some issues with integrations.



* api: implement __str__ (980)
* API: add Unix Domain Socket connection support (975)
* [core] Remove references to runtime-id (971)
* sampler: rewrite RateByServiceSampler without using Lock (959)
* Handle HTTP timeout in API writer (955)
* payload: raise PayloadFull on full payload (941)


* [pymongo] Support newer msg requests (985)
* pymongo: Add missing 2013 opcode (961)
* Refs 983 - Make AIOTracedCursor an async generator (984 -- thanks ewjoachim)
* Fix a typo in AIOTracedCursor docstring (982 -- thanks ewjoachim)
* [sqlalchemy] Only set sample rate if configured (978)


* LICENSE: Fix copyright holder notice (977 -- thanks underyx)

Read the [full changeset](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/compare/v0.26.0...v0.27.0) and the [release milestone](https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-py/milestone/43?closed=1).

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