* renamed env variable for loading adaptor executable, added support for running the adaptor on Linux, and added support for earlier versions of 2024 (59) ([`be33b63`](
* add adaptor output path mapping and overrides (55) (73) ([`6dcaf4a`](
* Add InstallBuilder submitter installer XML. (85) ([`73dbb75`](
* Only import openjd and deadline modules. (88) ([`71911ae`](
* prompt save before submit (53) (69) ([`c1d463c`](
* Add DeadlineCloudSubmitter plugin ID to submitter plugin. ([`9242593`](
Bug Fixes
* Resolve typos in bundling scripts. (82) ([`caf33e3`](
* Ensure only Critical stops fail the job and not others. (80) ([`80af90f`](
* Fix python-semantic-release issues with 9.12 (78) ([`8cc9728`](
* handle CRITICAL error in adaptor regex callbacks (51) (72) ([`817eb68`](
* adaptor handle render result failure results (66) (76) ([`8e0e127`](
* Add path mapping to outputs (57) ([`056f5ea`](