We plan on looking at integration with other libraries (i.e. pygame). Not to mention the 3D engine we are working on.
We still want to bring in mobile (and maybe web eventually).
We are continuing to cleanup and document the backend to facilitate a more contributor-friendly codebase. As you all know, the wiki is now going to be the contributor documentation.
Change Log
Breaking Changes
* user must create _Dear_PyGui_ context with `create_context()` before calling any DPG commands
* changed dragPayload `drag_data` is submitted to the targets `drag_callback` rather than `drop_callback`
* moved logger and themes to [DearPyGui_Ext](
* table rows now required
* removed `bind_item_disabled_theme(...)`
* removed `bind_item_type_disabled_theme(...)`
* removed `bind_item_type_theme(...)`
* user must create, setup, show viewport before starting dpg:
* "create_viewport()->setup_dearpygui()->show_viewport()->start_dearpygui()"
* `add_theme_color(...)` and `add_theme_style(...)` must known belong to a `theme_component`
* module: added `experimental` (not in use yet)
* item: added `add_table_cell(...)`
* item: added `add_spacer(...)`
* item: added `add_theme_component(...)`
* command: added `get_major_version(...)`
* command: added `get_minor_version(...)`
* command: added `toggle_viewport_fullscreen(...)`
* command: added `show_item_debug(...)`
* command: added `bind_theme(...)`
* command: added `highlight_table_column(...)`
* command: added `unhighlight_table_column(...)`
* command: added `set_table_row_color(...)`
* command: added `unset_table_row_color(...)`
* command: added `highlight_table_cell(...)`
* command: added `unhighlight_table_cell(...)`
* command: added `highlight_table_row(...)`
* command: added `unhighlight_table_row(...)`
* command: added `is_table_column_highlighted(...)`
* command: added `is_table_row_highlighted(...)`
* command: added `is_table_cell_highlighted(...)`
* command: added context manager for `add_plot_axis(...)`
* command: added `configure_app(...)`
* command: added `get_app_configuration(...)`
* command: added `add_item_set(...)`
* command: added `add_template_registry(...)`
* command: added `bind_template_registry(...)`
* keyword: added `drag_callback`, `drop_callback`, `payload_type` to `add_image(...)`
* keyword: added `drag_callback`, `drop_callback`, `payload_type` to `add_text(...)`
* keyword: added `drop_data` to `drag_payload(...)`
* keyword: added `xoffset` to `group(...)`
* keyword: added `id` to `popup(...)`
* keyword: added `clipper` to `add_table(...)`
* added deprecation system
* callbacks will now send alias through the `sender` argument if alias is used.
* columns can now be programmatically hidden
* table "value" is now a string, which acts as a filter using the row filter keys
* texture id can be updated with `configure_item(...)` for texture based widgets
* item: removed table_next_column
* removed `viewport` keyword arg from `setup_dearpygui(...)`
* removed `viewport` keyword arg from `show_viewport(...)`
* keyword: removed `drag_callback` from `add_menu_item(...)`
* keyword: removed `drag_callback` from `add_colormap_scale(...)`
* keyword: removed `drag_callback` from `add_colormap_slider(...)`
* keyword: removed `default_font` keyword arg from `add_font(...)`, use `bind_font(...)` now
* keyword: removed `default_theme` keyword arg from `add_theme(...)`, use `bind_theme(...)` now
* keyword: renamed `id` keyword to `tag`
* command: `cleanup_dearpygui(...)` is deprecated. Use `destroy_context(...)`
* command: `staging_container(...)` is deprecated. Use `stage(...)`
* command: `enable_docking(...)` is deprecated. Use `configure_app(docking=True, docking_space=dock_space)`
* command: `get_dearpygui_version()` is deprecated. Use `get_app_configuration()['version']`.
* command: `init_file(...)` is deprecated. Use `configure_app(init_file=file)`.
* command: `load_init_file` is deprecated. Use `configure_app(init_file=file, load_init_file=True)`.
* command: `is_viewport_created(...)` is deprecated. Use `is_viewport_ok()`.
* command: `setup_viewport(...)` is deprecated. Use `create_viewport()->setup_dearpygui()->show_viewport()`.
* command: `set_item_theme(...)` is deprecated. Use `bind_item_theme()`.
* command: `set_item_type_disabled_theme(...)` is deprecated. Use `bind_item_type_disabled_theme()`.
* command: `set_item_theme(...)` is deprecated. Use `bind_item_theme()`.
* command: `set_item_type_theme(...)` is deprecated. Use `bind_item_type_theme()`.
* command: `set_item_font(...)` is deprecated. Use `bind_item_font()`.
* command: `add_activated_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_activated_handler()`.
* command: `add_active_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_active_handler()`.
* command: `add_clicked_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_clicked_handler()`.
* command: `add_deactivated_after_edit_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_deactivated_after_edit_handler()`.
* command: `add_deactivated_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_deactivated_handler()`.
* command: `add_edited_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_edited_handler()`.
* command: `add_focus_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_focus_handler()`.
* command: `add_hover_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_hover_handler()`.
* command: `add_resize_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_resize_handler()`.
* command: `add_toggled_open_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_toggled_open_handler()`.
* command: `add_visible_handler(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_item_visible_handler()`.
* command: `set_colormap(...)` is deprecated. Use `bind_colormap()`.
* command: `reset_default_theme(...)` is deprecated. Use `bind_theme(mvAll)`.
* command: `set_staging_mode(...)` is deprecated. No longer needed.
* command: `add_spacing(...)` is deprecated. Use 'add_spacer(...)`
* command: `add_dummy(...)` is deprecated. Use 'add_spacer(...)`
* command: `add_child(...)` is deprecated. Use 'add_child_window(...)`
* command: `add_same_line(...)` is deprecated. Use `add_group(horizontal=True)`
* fixed `get_item_configuration(...)` memory leak 1179
* fixed issue to allow `source` to be alias 1181
* fixed window info not registering as container 1188
* fixed min/max clamping issue with input widgets 1229
* fixed using aliases for set/get value
* fixed issue with `get_selected_nodes(...)` 1263
* fixed listbox default value empty 1219
* fixed ellipse thickness keyword not working 1213
* fixed return type hints for callbacks 1208
* fixed modal xpos creep 1171
* fixed plot context/configuration sync issues
* fixed plot axis context/configuration sync issues
* fixed plot legend context/configuration sync issues
* fixed toggled_open_handler triggering for closed 1280
Thank you!
_Dear PyGui_ development is currently funded by a handful of gracious sponsors and we would like to thank them tremendously. We wouldn't be here with out you guys.
Thank you for supporting us.
If you or your company uses _Dear PyGui_, please consider [supporting us](! We need it now more than ever.