Make the package cache resistant against deserialization errors.
Today I've been hitting zlib decoding errors and I'm 99% sure my disk isn't
failing (RAID 1 array). For now I'm inclined not to dive too deep into this,
because there's a very simple fix (see first line :-). For future reference,
here's the zlib error::
File ".../deb_pkg_tools/cache.py", line 299, in control_fields
return self.cache.decode(self['control_fields'])
File ".../deb_pkg_tools/cache.py", line 249, in decode
return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(database_value))
error: Error -5 while decompressing data
.. _Release 1.22.2: https://github.com/xolox/python-deb-pkg-tools/compare/1.22.1...1.22.2