Merged pull request `2`_: Improve platform compatibility with environment variables.
- Added user-name and user-group overrides (``$DPT_ROOT_USER``,
``$DPT_ROOT_GROUP``) for systems that don't have a ``root`` group or when
``root`` isn't a desirable consideration when building packages.
- Can now disable hard-links (``$DPT_HARD_LINKS``). The ``cp -l`` parameter is
not supported on Mavericks 10.9.2.
- Replaced ``du -sB`` with ``du -sk`` (not supported on Mavericks 10.9.2).
- Can now disable ``sudo`` (``$DPT_SUDO``) since it's sometimes not desirable
and not required just to build the package (for example on MacOS, refer to
pull request `2`_ for an actual use case).
.. _Release 1.23.4: https://github.com/xolox/python-deb-pkg-tools/compare/1.23.3...1.23.4
.. _2: ttps://github.com/xolox/python-deb-pkg-tools/pull/2