The decorator module was not copying the __module__ attribute anymore. Thanks to Nikolay Markov for the notice.
Dropped support for Python < 3.5 with a substantial simplification of the code base (now building a decorator does not require calling "exec"). Added a way to mimic functools.wraps-generated decorators. Ported the Continuous Integration from Travis to GitHub.
Sylvan Mosberger ( contributed a patch to some doctests that were breaking on NixOS. John Vandenberg ( made a case for removing the usage of `__file__`, that was breaking PyOxidizer. Miro Hrončok ( contributed some fixes for the future Python 3.9. Hugo van Kemenade ( contributed some fixes for the future Python 3.10.
Changed the description to "Decorators for Humans" are requested by several users. Fixed a .rst bug in the description as seen in PyPI.
Fixed a regression with decorator factories breaking the case with no arguments by going back to the syntax used in version 4.2. Accepted a small fix from Eric Larson ( affecting `isgeneratorfunction` for old Python versions. Moved the documentation from ReadTheDocs to GitHub to simplify the release process and replaced ReStructuredText with Markdown: it is an inferior solution, but it works better with GitHub and it is good enough.
Accepted a patch from Sylvain Marie ( now the decorator module can decorate generator functions by preserving their being generator functions. Set `python_requires='>=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*'` in, as suggested by