Now the .func_globals of the decorated function are the same of the undecorated function, as requested by Paul Ollis.
Added __version__ (thanks to Gregg Lind), removed functionality which has been deprecated for years, removed the confusing decorator_factory example and added official support for Python 3 (requested by Claus Klein). Moved the documentation from PyPI to googlecode.
Added attributes args, varargs, keywords and arg0, ..., argN to FunctionMaker objects generated from a function; fixed another Pylons-breaking bug signaled by Lawrence Oluyede.
Fixed a bug which was breaking Pylons, signaled by Gabriel de Perthuis, and added a test for it.
Added decorator.factory, an easy way to define families of decorators (requested by various users, including David Laban). Refactored the FunctionMaker class and added an easier to use .create classmethod. Internally, functools.partial is used for Python >= 2.5.