Introducing Deep Lake
We are more than excited to transition into Deep Lake, data lake for deep learning applications. Furthermore we released
- an academic paper describing all technical details
- business white paper you can find on
- We also move the api reference to
Behind the scenes those are 5 key stepping stones of Deep Lake.
1. **Version Control**: Git for data
2. **Visualize**: In-browser visualization engine
3. **Query**: Rapid queries with Tensor Query language
4. **Materialize**: Format native to deep learning
5. **Stream**: Streaming Data Loaders
If you wonder...
- Why we renamed Hub to Deep Lake?
Hub originally was a chunked array format which evolved with version control, streaming engine, query capabilities naturally while iterating with community members. The name has been too generic to describe the tool often leading to a confusion with dataset hubs. Inspired from A. Pinhassi’s blogpost we renamed the package from hub to deeplake
> pip3 install deeplake
- Where does Deep Lakehouse comes into the place?
While the format including versioning, lineage is fully open-source. Query, streaming and visualization engines built in C++ are yet closed source. They are accessible through Python interface for all users. While committed to open-source principles, we are planning to open-source high performance engines as they commoditize.
🧭 What's Changed
* Update (1910) tatevikh
* Update (1909) istranic
* Staging 3.0.5 (1908) farizrahman4u
* Tiling Fix (1907) farizrahman4u
* 3.0.3 (1906) farizrahman4u
* [DL-746] hub->deeplake (1895) farizrahman4u
* [DL-747] API Reference updates: new compressions + new Htypes page (1892) FayazRahman
* Tensor Query Language documentation (1896) FayazRahman
* Added more file formats for compression (1597) aadityasinha-dotcom
* Indra import fix (1891) farizrahman4u
* API Reference updates (1886) FayazRahman
* Update version to 2.8.6 (1889) AbhinavTuli
🐛 Bug Fixes
* Passing token down (1903) ProgerDav
⚙️ Who Contributes
AbhinavTuli, FayazRahman, ProgerDav, aadityasinha-dotcom, artgish, davidbuniat, farizrahman4u, istranic, mikayelh and tatevikh