⚙️ Who Contributes activesoull, istranical and nvoxland-al
🧭 What's Changed * Fix bug in export_yolo (2936) istranical
⚙️ Who Contributes activesoull, istranical and nvoxland-al
🧭 What's Changed * Deeplake Inverted Index. (2910) sounakr * Add method to export Deep Lake dataset as yolo annotations (2930) istranical * Correct propagation of scoped gcs creds (2926) dgaloop
⚙️ Who Contributes activesoull, dgaloop, istranical, nvoxland-al and sounakr
🧭 What's Changed * Fix list typehint to fix python3.8 support (2925) GdoongMathew
⚙️ Who Contributes GdoongMathew and nvoxland-al
🧭 What's Changed * Ensure username fetching logic is not token dependent (2923) dgaloop * Raise exception if a view to save's id already exists (2921) nvoxland-al