* Added universal new line support to deeptoolsintervals (issue 506).
* Fixed a few issues with correctGCBias under python 3.5 (thanks to drakeeee)
* Setting `--minThreshold 0.0` or `--maxThreshold 0.0` now works properly. Previously, setting either of these to 0 was ignored. (issue 516)
* You can now specify the plot width and height in `plotPCA` and `plotCorrelation` (heatmap only) with the `--plotWidth` and `--plotHeight` parameters. (issue 507)
* plotCoverage no longer clips the top off of plots. Further, you can now set the plot width and height with `--plotWidth` and `--plotHeight`. (issue 508)
* In bamCoverage, specifying `--filterRNAstrand` no longer results in `--extendReads` being ignored. (issue 520)
* `plotFingerprint` and `plotEnrichment` no longer require producing a plot, which is useful if you only need QC metrics and are using a LOT of samples (such that matplotlib would crash anyway). This hasn't been implemented in Galaxy, but can if people would like it. (issues 519 and 526)
* `computeMatrix` now accepts a `--samplesLabel` option, which is useful in those cases when you aren't immediately running `plotHeatmap` and don't have terribly descriptive file names (issue 523)
* If you use `plotFingerprint` with the `--JSDsample` option and forget to list that file under `--bamfiles` it will be added automatically and the file name added to the labels if needed (issue 527)
* Various Galaxy wrapper fixes