
Latest version: v1.9.1

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Page 11 of 12


Not secure
- [44a73c3]( Fixed required libs in to use newer install_requires. (mboersma)
- [36b6a9c]( Switch master to v0.4.1. (mboersma)
- [bba5f3d]( Updated djangorestframework to 2.3.12 security fix. (mboersma)
- [0317227]( Updated Docker to v0.7.6. (mboersma)
- [463]( Merge pull request #463 from opdemand/docker-0.7.6 (opdemand)
- [86e8268]( Show the list of config variables sorted by name (nathansamson)
- [6572323]( Tabularize config output (nathansamson)
- [7419a54]( Add a --oneline option to config:list (nathansamson)
- [469]( Merge pull request #469 from nathansamson/nathan/client-config-improvements (nathansamson)
- [ccbf33d]( significant typo ("no" -> "yes") (jfw)
- [0ba9ed1]( Allow the script to run in a directory with spaces (nathansamson)
- [471]( Merge pull request #471 from nathansamson/nathan/vagrant-space-fix (nathansamson)
- [470]( Merge pull request #470 from jfw/patch-1 (jfw)
- [fdb1b30]( Fix another space-in-path issue in vagrant provisioner (nathansamson)
- [410ebac]( Fix spaces-in-path issues for DigitalOcean contrib scripts. (nathansamson)
- [8201066]( Fix EC2 provision script (space in path issue) (nathansamson)
- [21ac978]( Fix space issue for rackspace controller (nathansamson)
- [db9404e]( Allow vagrant (host sytem) to run in a directory with spaces (nathansamson)
- [5c0ddb6]( For dev convenience, added a DB-reset script and some basic fixtures. Also attempt to deal with git-ignoring 'static' (tombh)
- [473]( Merge pull request #473 from nathansamson/nathan/vagrant-space-fix2 (nathansamson)
- [479]( Merge pull request #479 from nathansamson/vagrant-fixes (nathansamson)
- [483]( Merge pull request #483 from tombh/db-reset-script (tombh)
- [bd0b0dc]( DigitalOcean: Fix for #477 (nathansamson)
- [487]( Merge pull request #487 from nathansamson/nathan/477 (nathansamson)
- [c2951f9]( Showing containers for the correct app when running scale --app=X. Fixes #481 (nathansamson)
- [bbda0a6]( Allow users to patsh to enters SSH keys in the CLI client (nathansamson)
- [0dc199f]( Correctly honor args for deis config comand (nathansamson)
- [7af2427]( Correctly honor args for deis perms comand (nathansamson)
- [9d23b0f]( Change the arg parsing for fallback :list commands according to a found example in the code (nathansamson)
- [7f3b95f]( change `deis run` bind-mount to read-only to prevent disruptive modification (gabrtv)
- [489]( Merge pull request #489 from opdemand/fix-deis-run (opdemand)
- [93f8210]( Trick flake into decreasing keys_add CC (nathansamson)
- [488]( Merge pull request #488 from nathansamson/nathan/cli-improvements (nathansamson)
- [0e768b8]( clean up /etc/chef, install inotify-tools (paulczar)
- [1d1c661]( Clean up /etc/chef and install inotify-tools across all providers. (mboersma)
- [b7751ab]( Removed deprecated pip --use-mirrors flag. (mboersma)
- [a355a0e]( Updated celery, requests, Sphinx. (mboersma)
- [d601fd8]( Updated requests version in to 2.2.1. (mboersma)
- [169627f]( Add formation, provider and flavours to fixtures for more complete seeding (tombh)
- [491]( Merge pull request #491 from opdemand/pypi-updates (opdemand)
- [45aff6c]( Updated Berksfile.lock to latest deis-cookbook (mboersma)
- [cf6f74f]( Only take into account the first equal sign when setting config vars (nathansamson)
- [42d1d0b]( Updated knife-digital_ocean to v0.4.0. (mboersma)
- [500]( Merge pull request #500 from nathansamson/nathan/equalsinvars (nathansamson)
- [f804ed8]( Revert bind-mounting slugs read-only. (mboersma)
- [502]( Merge pull request #502 from opdemand/revert-pr-489 (opdemand)
- [501]( Merge pull request #501 from opdemand/knife-do-update (opdemand)
- [494]( Merge pull request #494 from tombh/db-reset-script (tombh)
- [4e79646]( Added detailed steps to add deis-controller to admin group (shredder12)
- [a2ad8a0]( Added link to Chef admins edit, admonition section. (mboersma)
- [2d10965]( Replace method for checking if client is in a vagrant setup. Use (tombh)


Not secure
- [a5731be]( Switch master to v0.4.0. (mboersma)
- [e1d60b2]( Restored download badge, added license badge. (mboersma)
- [2b4a8db]( Added reminder to rebuild all published readthedocs versions on release. (mboersma)
- [f22a6e5]( Updated DigitalOcean snapshot script in line with other providers. (mboersma)
- [ac35cd8]( Updated boto to 2.21.2 (mboersma)
- [75674ac]( Simplified IsAnonymous test. (mboersma)
- [c1e60ee]( Added docstrings for the decorated api.tasks module. (mboersma)
- [9f9f861]( Improved CSS styling for [source] / [docs] links in documentation. (mboersma)
- [01928c4]( Cleaned up a few docstrings and removed dead South introspections. (mboersma)
- [8d8daef]( Fixed #435 -- document how to use custom buildpacks in the FAQ. (mboersma)
- [437]( Merge pull request #437 from opdemand/more-docstrings (opdemand)
- [ee796fe]( Updated Docker to v0.7.3. (mboersma)
- [4646a95]( Fixed typo (joelvh)
- [443]( Merge pull request #443 from opdemand/docker-0.7.3 (opdemand)
- [442]( Merge pull request #442 from joelvh/patch-1 (joelvh)
- [410]( Merge pull request #410 from tombh/376-move-slugbuilder-hook (tombh)
- [a3aa6d4]( Swap steps 4 and 5 in vagrant README. Add step to use Makefile when installing deis client. (tombh)
- [445]( Merge pull request #445 from tombh/improve-vagrant-docs-for-niccolox (tombh)
- [5d0deae]( Fixed #449 -- `deis releases:info` honors specified version. (mboersma)
- [450]( Merge pull request #450 from opdemand/449-get-release-version (opdemand)
- [f7d887d]( Added support for `deis release:rollback`, fixes #382. (mboersma)
- [451]( Merge pull request #451 from opdemand/382-release-rollback (opdemand)
- [4586f61]( Remove Authors from README (gabrtv)
- [18f1810]( push implementation and tests for external builder module (gabrtv)
- [f73b941]( remove providers from coveragerc, while continuing to import them (gabrtv)
- [453]( Merge pull request #453 from opdemand/docker-0.7.5 (opdemand)
- [452]( Merge pull request #452 from opdemand/external-push (opdemand)
- [2f039e7]( Fixed #383 -- Added summaries to `deis releases:list` (mboersma)
- [263df70]( Get returns current Config, not latest Config. Fixes #455. (mboersma)
- [bf4de12]( Reduce complexity in's main() by refactoring command dispatch lines (tombh)
- [456]( Merge pull request #456 from opdemand/455-get-config (opdemand)
- [aa6f4c2]( Added syslog events for app lifecycle. (mboersma)
- [446]( Merge pull request #446 from opdemand/383-releases-list (opdemand)
- [444]( Merge pull request #444 from tombh/client-feedback-for-unresponsive-controller (tombh)
- [457]( Merge pull request #457 from opdemand/394-app-lifecycle-events (opdemand)
- [fe5a2c3]( Updated boto, paramiko, psycopg2, requests. (mboersma)
- [460]( Merge pull request #460 from opdemand/package-updates (opdemand)
- [ad22b6c]( Add the step of prepare a new image to the Rackspace contrib README (stackedsax)
- [8d21adc]( upgrade the Rackspace prepare, provision, and provider scripts to use newer Rackspace performance flavors (stackedsax)
- [6a32c8e]( Make the instructions simpler and clearer on how to run the script. Run from curl | bash (stackedsax)
- [0e5312a]( Add a note to direct people to the old OpsCode control panel to add deis-controller to the admins group. (stackedsax)
- [c1721ac]( Fixed test_auth after Rackspace changes removed one default flavor. (mboersma)
- [4ca1c43]( Updated EC2 AMIs for v0.4.0, fixes #458 (mboersma)


Not secure
- [82a4799]( Switch master to v0.3.1 (mboersma)
- [78efe2c]( Make $node_name unique to avoid deleting wrong droplet on failed provision (tombh)
- [c91da1b]( Removed .gitignore entry that prevented adding static assets. (mboersma)
- [12ab065]( Updated docs styling to avoid theme breakage on mobile devices (bengrunfeld)
- [57d7a50]( Added navigation elements for docset versions. Refs #256. (mboersma)
- [393]( Merge pull request #393 from opdemand/rtfd (opdemand)
- [0bfba55]( Updated to Django 1.6.1. (mboersma)
- [395]( Merge pull request #395 from opdemand/django-1.6.1 (opdemand)
- [3a627ed]( Added Bing Webmaster Tools validation token (bengrunfeld)
- [392]( Merge pull request #392 from tombh/digital-ocean-provision-error-tolerance (tombh)
- [6bd1fc1]( Tweak tr command to work on OSX. Chef object deletion should use $node_name. opdemand/deis#396 (tombh)
- [401]( Merge pull request #401 from tombh/digital-ocean-provision-error-tolerance (tombh)
- [c6d986a]( Moved slugbuilder from cookbook to deis. opdemand/deis#376 (tombh)
- [f581767]( When checking the error type from a failed vagrant desutrcution, make comparison case insensitve - for BASH and ZSH support. opdemand/deis#346 (tombh)
- [953e329]( Change Installation link to Operations Guide (gabrtv)
- [407]( Merge pull request #407 from tombh/346-node-del-check-case-insensitive (tombh)
- [a3ac632]( Updated several python packages. (mboersma)
- [8e17497]( Remove check for set env vars os.environ() does that anyway (tombh)
- [411]( Merge pull request #411 from opdemand/pypi-updates (opdemand)
- [a2b446c]( Be specific about required package versions in client (mboersma)
- [0896b9b]( Fixed flake8 errors (tombh)
- [a8e19d3]( Updated README.rst for Deis CLI, fixes #409. (mboersma)
- [417]( Merge pull request #417 from opdemand/fix-409-client-readme (opdemand)
- [414]( Merge pull request #414 from opdemand/fix-413-requests-version (opdemand)
- [676aa57]( Fixed #418 -- handle `deis keys:add ~/.ssh/` properly. (mboersma)
- [5a38afd]( Added several tests and improved coverage definition. (mboersma)
- [420]( Merge pull request #420 from opdemand/fix-cli-keys-add (opdemand)
- [421]( Merge pull request #421 from opdemand/more-better-tests (opdemand)
- [95d750f]( Fixed #355 -- retry deleting EC2 security group. (mboersma)
- [422]( Merge pull request #422 from opdemand/fix-delete-ec2-sg (opdemand)
- [711eba4]( Fixed #402 -- hide web signup, point users to CLI. (mboersma)
- [423]( Merge pull request #423 from opdemand/hide-web-signup (opdemand)
- [8e5778d]( Fixed #406 -- return error detail if sudo fails in knife bootstrap. (mboersma)
- [425]( Merge pull request #425 from opdemand/406-knife-bootstrap-err (opdemand)
- [24f4d0f]( Added tests pointed out by (mboersma)
- [426]( Merge pull request #426 from opdemand/more-tests (opdemand)
- [99f33ca]( Removed autofunction docs for non-existent methods. (mboersma)
- [bf993a2]( Fixed #353 -- added permalinks to Sphinx documentation. (mboersma)
- [427]( Merge pull request #427 from opdemand/353-doc-permalinks (opdemand)
- [a862b91]( Note that deis only supports `git push` to master, refs #419. (mboersma)
- [59a4f8b]( Note that `nodes:create` requires password-less sudo, refs #362. (mboersma)
- [428]( Merge pull request #428 from opdemand/419-git-push-master-doc (opdemand)
- [429]( Merge pull request #429 from opdemand/362-manual-ssh-sudo (opdemand)
- [b725bce]( Fixed #430 -- updated EC2 AMIs for 0.3.1 release. (mboersma)
- [dbae8a2]( Updated release procedure docs. (mboersma)


Not secure
- [79e4899]( Switch master to v0.3.0 (mboersma)
- [c6835f4]( Updated gevent to 1.0, removed Cython dependency. (mboersma)
- [946c5a7]( add flavors:update to `deis help flavors` (gabrtv)
- [341]( Merge pull request #341 from opdemand/339-gevent-1.0 (opdemand)
- [25a1f6f]( Updated to Django 1.6. (mboersma)
- [340]( Merge pull request #340 from opdemand/django-1.6 (opdemand)
- [396e3f0]( Fixed query in several build_layer() implementations. (mboersma)
- [345]( Merge pull request #345 from opdemand/344-layer-query-fix (opdemand)
- [4331cac]( Removed the unused allauth.socialaccount app. (mboersma)
- [2c2e4d9]( Updated boto, pyrax, django-allauth, and smartypants. (mboersma)
- [349]( Merge pull request #349 from opdemand/remove-socialaccount (opdemand)
- [351]( Merge pull request #351 from opdemand/package-updates (opdemand)
- [7bd348a]( Made vagrant destroy_node() RuntimeError into a warning. (mboersma)
- [347]( Merge pull request #347 from opdemand/346-vagrant-node-dir-err (opdemand)
- [463dfcf]( Updated to Celery 3.1.6. (mboersma)
- [350]( Merge pull request #350 from opdemand/update-celery (opdemand)
- [f04cf65]( Fixed missing SECRET_KEY issue for docs generation. (mboersma)
- [776b425]( implement default formation lookup on application creation, with tests (gabrtv)
- [357]( Merge pull request #357 from opdemand/default-formation (opdemand)
- [7e57b37]( Specify celery worker concurrency on the command-line. (mboersma)
- [3fb232d]( downgrade to berkshelf stable, since 3.0.0 beta is problematic (gabrtv)
- [358]( Merge pull request #358 from opdemand/berkshelf-stable (opdemand)
- [48ac3ee]( fix celery deadlocks by removing all blocking tasks from other (parent) tasks, and moving the logic to inline model methods (gabrtv)
- [359]( Merge pull request #359 from opdemand/fix-celery-deadlock (opdemand)
- [b508280]( hardcode celeryd concurrency (gabrtv)
- [5ba327e]( return the body of chef-client even on failed node convergence (gabrtv)
- [145a5b6]( Docs - Fix typo (kumavis)
- [361]( Merge pull request #361 from kumavis/patch-1 (kumavis)
- [360]( Merge pull request #360 from opdemand/show-node-converge-error (opdemand)
- [ac26eb7]( update for docker 0.7 and slugrunner syntax (gabrtv)
- [bf3a57d]( switch to docker 0.7.1 and pull progrium/cedarish docker image (gabrtv)
- [362f95b]( Fixed #364 - Updated EC2 AMIs for Deis 0.3.0. (mboersma)
- [363]( Merge pull request #363 from opdemand/docker-0.7 (opdemand)
- [a27500b]( initial pass at developer guide and operations guide (gabrtv)
- [11cae2a]( Merge branch 'master' into tutorial-docs (mboersma)
- [575c707]( update master with latest cookbook for 0.3 (gabrtv)
- [12dbdbd]( move chef server to private network along w/ other vagrant components (gabrtv)
- [a7c6356]( fix refs to operations guide (gabrtv)
- [7e5ff6b]( purge old installation docs (gabrtv)
- [0e77c57]( new local development docs deprecating old devsetup docs (gabrtv)
- [374]( Merge pull request #374 from opdemand/localdev-docs (opdemand)
- [98bd137]( restrict converge controller to recipe[deis::gitosis] (gabrtv)
- [375]( Merge pull request #375 from opdemand/upgrade-workflow (opdemand)
- [8b69f4b]( Removed ref to obsolete app_tasks in formation.destroy. (mboersma)
- [db6f436]( set devmode to true for Vagrant controller (gabrtv)
- [3d48e9f]( Fixed app deletion when formation is destroyed. (mboersma)
- [682d1f8]( Fix markdown formatting issue in EC2 README (gabrtv)
- [a707311]( remove reuse controller tip (gabrtv)
- [4790335]( on `deis run` add release environment and auto-remove container (gabrtv)
- [378]( Merge pull request #378 from opdemand/example-apps-tests (opdemand)
- [379]( Merge pull request #379 from opdemand/fix-deis-run (opdemand)
- [ce13287]( update Berksfile.lock with latest master (gabrtv)
- [910146f]( Check for DO credentials in ENV first then fallback to knife.rb. Add -y to Chef deletion commands. (tombh)
- [c807cc2]( Fixed typo in vagrant (mboersma)
- [348]( Merge pull request #348 from tombh/digital-ocean-provision-error-tolerance (tombh)
- [fb87ffd]( add admonitions testing section to welcome page (to be reverted after styling) (gabrtv)
- [86ed2b6]( Added icons and styling to Sphinx Admonitions (bengrunfeld)
- [8f4867a]( remove admonitions testing from main index (bengrunfeld)
- [380]( Merge pull request #380 from opdemand/sphinx-icons (opdemand)
- [490e8e0]( Implemented app, formation, superuser sharing permissions. (mboersma)
- [e363b38]( Updated permissions tests. (mboersma)
- [85954c0]( Fixed #368 -- add model custom permissions in migration. (mboersma)
- [2b8d21a]( Fixed #370 -- added CLI tests for app sharing workflow. (mboersma)
- [5dcd7a5]( Fixed #369 -- added migration to drop djcelery & socialaccount. (mboersma)
- [381]( Merge pull request #381 from opdemand/226-formation-sharing (opdemand)
- [9529fa0]( Added basic documentation for `deis sharing` commands. (mboersma)
- [efdec5c]( fix adominition title and type (gabrtv)
- [385]( Merge pull request #385 from opdemand/sharing-docs (opdemand)
- [030d0de]( working integration suite for example apps (gabrtv)
- [386]( Merge pull request #386 from opdemand/fix-example-tests (opdemand)
- [ad3028d]( swallow the error if the node we're destroying no longer exists (gabrtv)
- [387]( Merge pull request #387 from opdemand/ignore-missing-instance (opdemand)
- [00f4450]( Added unit tests for Deis controller web views. (mboersma)
- [37ce448]( first pass at formation permissions (gabrtv)
- [7b236d8]( Removed the unused /docs/ web view. (mboersma)
- [fe4af27]( raise ResponseError on perms operations (gabrtv)
- [388]( Merge pull request #388 from opdemand/web-view-tests (opdemand)
- [389]( Merge pull request #389 from opdemand/formations-perms (opdemand)
- [8fa1014]( Added is_staff flag to initial superuser, refs #389. (mboersma)


Not secure
- [5f8d83b]( Switch master to v0.2.1 (mboersma)
- [ce2afc6]( Started on docs (mboersma)
- [f69b0da]( Fixed Flake8 errors (tombh)
- [03ed368]( Updated Berksfile format for 3.0.0 beta 3 and Chef to 11.6.2. (mboersma)
- [8fff79e]( Silence the McCabe checker on two methods, refs #276. (mboersma)
- [e86d7c3]( Changed sync_folder path in Vagrantfile.local.example to mount parent path (tombh)
- [34c70c8]( Full Vagrant provider. Squashed commits (tombh)
- [17efd9d]( Added missing warning to vagrant provisioning script. (mboersma)
- [4786ec8]( Default login/register URL to http:// schema if it's not specified. (mboersma)
- [7ecb90f]( Moved "Terms" section back to top level nav in docs. (mboersma)
- [300]( Merge pull request #300 from opdemand/299-no-schema-supplied (opdemand)
- [301]( Merge pull request #301 from opdemand/296-terms-sphinx-nav (opdemand)
- [13d0adc]( Don't prompt users to create an app if runtime=0 (mboersma)
- [302]( Merge pull request #302 from opdemand/250-nodes-scale-msg (opdemand)
- [28e395a]( Experimenting with using hostname rather than IP to SSH into host. (tombh)
- [96ae777]( 1) Use private network and static IPs for all vagrant VMs. 2) Use (tombh)
- [bf234f7]( Override rsyslog behaviour by using Vagrantfile to create a higher (tombh)
- [6083875]( added some error checking for digital ocean
- [4c74f1e]( use region_id, not location_id
- [6ef32c7]( Refactored provider creds discovery to be more DRY, added alternate AWS vars. (mboersma)
- [308]( Merge pull request #308 from bacongobbler/306-snapshot-error-checking (bacongobbler)
- [309]( Merge pull request #309 from opdemand/276-providers-discover-refactor (opdemand)
- [f0fd45f]( If CM's purge_node() fails then raise an error. (tombh)
- [0c0f7ca]( If CM's purge_node() fails then raise an error. (tombh)
- [310]( Merge pull request #310 from tombh/purge-node-feedback (tombh)
- [be45748]( Instructions to add Controller to Chef's admin group and note to install avahi-daemon/Bonjour (tombh)
- [691461d]( Merge branch '232-vagrant-provider-full' of into tombh-232-vagrant-provider-full (mboersma)
- [66493b1]( Updated docs and only test for avahi-daemon on Linux. (mboersma)
- [3e3c14a]( Merge branch 'patch-2' of into scottstamp-patch-2 (mboersma)
- [5d5bf1b]( Updated Berksfile for latest deis-cookbook SHA. (mboersma)
- [f18f32c]( Made vagrant provider's config not a fatal IOError. (mboersma)
- [314]( Merge pull request #314 from opdemand/313-vagrant-ioerror (opdemand)
- [21d0634]( Ignore Chef 404s when destroying a node. (mboersma)
- [315]( Merge pull request #315 from opdemand/312-node-purge-404 (opdemand)
- [ef4b021]( Created a separate pip requirements file for doc generation. (mboersma)
- [316]( Merge pull request #316 from opdemand/311-orphaned-sphinx-docs (opdemand)
- [b59f28b]( Added more helpful error when `deis run` comes before `git push`. (mboersma)
- [323]( Merge pull request #323 from opdemand/304-run-before-push (opdemand)
- [19b6e5b]( Added ssh-key generation per test user. (mboersma)
- [324]( Merge pull request #324 from opdemand/214=cli-acceptance-tests (opdemand)
- [503f282]( Create fake home dir per test user, refs #214. (mboersma)
- [330]( Merge pull request #330 from opdemand/214-cli-acceptance-tests (opdemand)
- [97781ee]( Added test_examples to hit each example-* project, WIP refs #214. (mboersma)
- [8ce7fa0]( Implemented missing chef.purge_user() and connected it to a signal. (mboersma)
- [332]( Merge pull request #332 from opdemand/331-cm-purge-user (opdemand)
- [d4c1938]( Added documentation for static / bare metal installation. (mboersma)
- [333]( Merge pull request #333 from opdemand/214-cli-tests (opdemand)
- [335]( Merge pull request #335 from opdemand/295-static-installation (opdemand)
- [f34ea7d]( Fixed PHP detect regex in test_examples, refs #214. (mboersma)
- [c75566d]( Increase vagrant controller RAM to 2G, closes #336. (mboersma)
- [6756763]( fix jquery in airplane-mode (gabrtv)
- [7c4baee]( lay down initial structure dev/ops tutorials (gabrtv)
- [f367c7e]( Fixed #327 -- updated EC2 AMIs for 0.2.1 release. (mboersma)


Not secure
- [d783c24]( Switch master to v0.1.2 (mboersma)
- [29929dd]( Fixed reference to "only EC2" in client README.rst. (mboersma)
- [5f83a5e]( Updated Django to 1.5.5 security/bugfix release. (mboersma)
- [4190cef]( Updated opdemand/buildstep build procedure. (mboersma)
- [0c6f8cd]( Fixed #248 -- exposed `deis layers:update` in CLI. (mboersma)
- [7f17ffb]( Fixed #242 -- update "no proxy" error message. (mboersma)
- [253]( Merge pull request #253 from opdemand/248-layers-update (opdemand)
- [c9127c1]( Fixed TypeError in formations:create. (mboersma)
- [5bcae3f]( Fixed #232 -- add vagrant support for Deis development. (mboersma)
- [3b45465]( validate that only contains [a-z0-9-] and is a valid domain name, with tests (gabrtv)
- [94d714d]( fix variable naming to be clear about app vs. formation (gabrtv)
- [1ca8d84]( add digital ocean provider
- [878e769]( Added a script to help create the vagrant static formation. (mboersma)
- [254]( Merge pull request #254 from opdemand/fix-id-override (opdemand)
- [257]( Merge pull request #257 from opdemand/232-vagrant-dev (opdemand)
- [3ba4960]( changed controller size to 2GB
- [e054ffb]( Merge branch '73-digitalocean-provider' of into bacongobbler-73-digitalocean-provider (mboersma)
- [765a9cc]( Fixed PEP8 errors missed on previous merge. (mboersma)
- [124ff26]( Include provider.digitalocean in API docs, refs #73. (mboersma)
- [4e4303a]( Fixed #258 -- removed errant print statement. (mboersma)
- [ce064c5]( remove ffi dependency
- [261]( Merge pull request #261 from bacongobbler/patch-1 (bacongobbler)
- [572a1c9]( downgrade eventmachine version to v1.0.0
- [263]( Merge pull request #263 from bacongobbler/patch-2 (bacongobbler)
- [7740d7f]( remove EC2 only from README (gabrtv)
- [4cf312f]( Proposed fix for gh#264 (scottstamp)
- [b666811]( Update (scottstamp)
- [265]( Merge pull request #265 from scottstamp/patch-1 (scottstamp)
- [39e211c]( Added a reminder about Chef admin perms after provisioning. (mboersma)
- [c132663]( Use correct method in socket module, gethostname() (gabrtv)
- [b800549]( Fixed #267 -- updated controller web UI. (mboersma)
- [272]( Merge pull request #272 from opdemand/267-web-ui (opdemand)
- [b8d2cbf]( Updated Chef version to 11.6.2. (mboersma)
- [358d36b]( Updated to new Berksfile format to silence deprecation warnings. (mboersma)
- [c72e970]( Created provider-specific installation docs, refs #227. (mboersma)
- [283]( Merge pull request #283 from opdemand/227-provider-docs (opdemand)
- [280]( Merge pull request #280 from opdemand/271-chef-version (opdemand)
- [059ba16]( Reverted Berksfile format. (mboersma)
- [5ee80eb]( Updated sadly hard-coded JS nav code for new docs, refs #283. (mboersma)
- [1eb1dc4]( Clarify that Dockerfiles are not yet supported directly. (mboersma)
- [1838ae3]( Updated several python packages. (mboersma)
- [29ba038]( Specified package version 0.6.4 for Docker, not virtual package. (mboersma)
- [b4b1272]( Updated EC2 AMIs in all regions for security updates. (mboersma)
- [289]( Merge pull request #289 from opdemand/236-refresh-amis (opdemand)
- [cb97507]( Updated prepare-image-* scripts for minor optimizations. (mboersma)
- [ef9290b]( Updated project version strings to 0.2.0. (mboersma)
- [d25c2c2]( Updated Ruby gems dependencies. (mboersma)

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