
Latest version: v1.9.1

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Page 12 of 12


Not secure
- [4836b99]( switch master to v0.1.1 (gabrtv)
- [3c64f7f]( update release instructions post git-flow (gabrtv)
- [12d6f07]( Fixed a RST format bug in client README.rst. (mboersma)
- [2228d6c]( Fixed #215 -- allow flavors:update from CLI. (mboersma)
- [217]( Merge pull request #217 from opdemand/215-flavors-update (opdemand)
- [f4f3ae3]( Added bing webmaster tools verification meta (bengrunfeld)
- [218]( Merge pull request #218 from opdemand/add-bing-meta (opdemand)
- [f3154e6]( Updated client version to 0.1.1 per release process. (mboersma)
- [767f090]( Remove refs to old 'azure' attempt. See also #219. (mboersma)
- [1746bc4]( Updated paramiko and Sphinx. (mboersma)
- [f320a77]( Updated coverage to 3.7. (mboersma)
- [b848ae3]( Fixed #121 -- added support for Rackspace open cloud (mboersma)
- [5c00f05]( Fixed a few typos. (mboersma)
- [9605456]( update docs sitemap.xml post 0.1.0 refactoring (gabrtv)
- [224]( Merge pull request #224 from opdemand/121-rackspace-provider (opdemand)
- [225]( Merge pull request #225 from opdemand/update-sitemap (opdemand)
- [35c371f]( Fixed #222 -- CLI scaling error msg when no Rackspace image exists (mboersma)
- [228]( Merge pull request #228 from opdemand/222-better-500-error (opdemand)
- [217f7dc]( only run commands against nodes in runtime layers (gabrtv)
- [229]( Merge pull request #229 from opdemand/fix-run-selection (opdemand)
- [551e742]( Fixed possible exception case from previous commit. (mboersma)
- [77a571f]( Fixed #233 -- made buildstep fork cleaner WRT progrium/buildstep (mboersma)
- [05ff02a]( Fixed #220 -- add standard footer to Sphinx template for (mboersma)
- [6b1a5b3]( Updated boto, pycrypto, yamlfield. (mboersma)
- [b58105a]( Updated gevent to 1.0rc3, fixes vagrant DNS issues, refs #232. (mboersma)
- [278244e]( Fixes #240. Updated docs layout.html file and main.css to fix the style breakage that adding Read The Docs footer caused. (bengrunfeld)
- [85444c0]( Updates main.css to fix styling break caused by ReadTheDocs footer template tag. (bengrunfeld)
- [d6eeeec]( refs #240. Hopefully fixes style breakages. (bengrunfeld)
- [5fc6d3d]( refs #240. Hopefully fixes style breakages. (bengrunfeld)
- [c0d6576]( Fixed #234 -- refreshed EC2 AMI images. (mboersma)
- [241]( Merge pull request #241 from opdemand/234-refresh-amis (opdemand)
- [ec4899c]( Minor update to release procedure doc. (mboersma)


Not secure
- [e027393]( switch master to v0.0.8 (gabrtv)
- [a24f0dd]( Updated release procedure notes. (mboersma)
- [bc27e99]( refactor wip (gabrtv)
- [5280796]( Updated to Django 1.5.3 security release. (mboersma)
- [032f908]( updated to Django v1.5.4 security release
- [173]( Merge pull request #173 from bacongobbler/172-django-174-security-release (bacongobbler)
- [df50eee]( add test coverage for cm synchronization using mock CM module (gabrtv)
- [0edb429]( create the 3 necessary data bags (gabrtv)
- [3f33765]( fix bug in key deletion api call (gabrtv)
- [f306aad]( move run_node to CM module, add container list/info endpoints, beef test coverage (gabrtv)
- [74dfe2e]( check for initial web container in build.push (gabrtv)
- [d045377]( add Build.push test coverage (gabrtv)
- [591ba16]( fix layer tests (gabrtv)
- [ff28545]( converge on app scale operation (gabrtv)
- [ea24ebb]( Updated to Django 1.5.3 security release. (mboersma)
- [8abeea0]( updated to Django v1.5.4 security release
- [60bdbdd]( improve code coverage on api views/models (gabrtv)
- [f62a0cb]( add apps:calculate functionality (gabrtv)
- [7f8debc]( add containers to application databag (gabrtv)
- [7ae9c90]( add nodes:converge, nodes:ssh, fix `deis open` (gabrtv)
- [f88e782]( move logs to apps:logs and create shortcut (gabrtv)
- [e6b57a0]( fix bug with git push working after formation destroy (gabrtv)
- [77e266a]( switch release endpoints to app (gabrtv)
- [df72bc7]( change config:list, set and unset to use app endpoints (gabrtv)
- [eb7067f]( move open to apps:open (gabrtv)
- [a05b5c8]( change app databag format from proxies to domains (gabrtv)
- [c64c2e2]( add test coverage around mutiple apps for formations that do/dont support it (gabrtv)
- [28af652]( move image into build for better 12 factor compatibility (gabrtv)
- [2e0eb69]( add formations:update to set domain used in multi-app (gabrtv)
- [318d9b4]( add container.port and make it unique across a formation for multi-app (gabrtv)
- [f6f13b4]( Fixed #174 -- updated Sphinx docs to match refactored modules. (mboersma)
- [cd28ce4]( remove ops commands from client help (gabrtv)
- [f16dd02]( Fixed #175 -- update REST API documentation for application-refactor. (mboersma)
- [3ad53ce]( fix missing command bug during dispatching (gabrtv)
- [131bf8f]( fix bug with apps:run task dispatch (gabrtv)
- [e54f9e2]( fix formation databag after app destroy, with test (gabrtv)
- [179]( Merge pull request #179 from opdemand/application-refactor (opdemand)
- [d05ca70]( deprecate provider.controller module, now handled by cm package (gabrtv)
- [3e12255]( Removed Sphinx docs referencing obsolete provider.controller module. (mboersma)
- [180]( Merge pull request #180 from opdemand/deprecate-old-providers (opdemand)
- [f856c67]( Fixed #167 -- allow underscore in slug-type field regexes. (mboersma)
- [183]( Merge pull request #183 from opdemand/167-underscores-in-name (opdemand)
- [a646fbc]( add ssh public key to Node.flat() data structure (gabrtv)
- [184]( Merge pull request #184 from opdemand/add-node-ssh-pubkey (opdemand)
- [99da003]( Fixed #176 -- added docstrings for provider modules. (mboersma)
- [185]( Merge pull request #185 from opdemand/176-provider-docstrings (opdemand)
- [2b4d7f8]( Fixed #177 -- added docstrings for cm modules. (mboersma)
- [186]( Merge pull request #186 from opdemand/177-cm-docstrings (opdemand)
- [4f04098]( cli doc updates and cleanup for app refactoring (gabrtv)
- [a254564]( update client reference docs (gabrtv)
- [ca46506]( update terms post application object model changes (gabrtv)
- [5f09ad8]( update concepts post application object model changes (gabrtv)
- [75487ed]( add apps:info with info shortcut (gabrtv)
- [8940321]( remove unnecesary JSONField subclasses, remote undoc'd members from api.models (gabrtv)
- [ed22d9a]( standardize on spaces instead of tabs to fix code block formatting (gabrtv)
- [3d9142f]( fix noindex indentation (gabrtv)
- [425d498]( add escaping of astericks for sphinx (gabrtv)
- [66d6427]( update installation docs (gabrtv)
- [c7c6e9e]( remove todos from toctree (gabrtv)
- [65245e2]( update readme with new app-oriented workflow (gabrtv)
- [369ac79]( fix typo in deploy language (gabrtv)
- [189]( Merge pull request #189 from opdemand/doc-updates (opdemand)
- [fda0f27]( return 404 if app cannot be found during queryset lookup, fixes #182 (gabrtv)
- [2f269fa]( add simple password confirmation on registration fixes #188 (gabrtv)
- [192]( Merge pull request #192 from opdemand/confirm-pw-on-register (opdemand)
- [191]( Merge pull request #191 from opdemand/app-endpoint-500s (opdemand)
- [fdcd7d9]( more doc updates (gabrtv)
- [7e3230b]( cleanup line breaks, update command output (gabrtv)
- [678a6b8]( reset initial south migration, fixes opdemand/deis-cookbook#14 (gabrtv)
- [194]( Merge pull request #194 from opdemand/more-doc-updates (opdemand)
- [193]( Merge pull request #193 from opdemand/reset-south-migrations (opdemand)
- [8e4f60f]( Updated and tested boto, requests, djangorestframework, and paramiko. (mboersma)
- [195]( Merge pull request #195 from opdemand/pypi_updates (opdemand)
- [0388366]( fix ssh_username not being read in 'deis ssh'
- [196]( Merge pull request #196 from bacongobbler/deis-ssh-username-fix (bacongobbler)
- [4df6164]( Added a django admin class for api.models.App. (mboersma)
- [197]( Merge pull request #197 from opdemand/app-in-django-admin (opdemand)
- [034a4ac]( Fixed #198 -- ensure new users have is_active == True. (mboersma)
- [200]( Merge pull request #200 from opdemand/198-user-isnt-active (opdemand)
- [8210ff9]( Fixed #202 -- adding content-type header broke registration. (mboersma)
- [68f40b3]( Fixed #170 -- "deis nodes:create" allows adding external instances. (mboersma)
- [201]( Merge pull request #201 from opdemand/170-manually-add-nodes (opdemand)
- [0d43479]( Fixed #56 -- implemented account cancellation. (mboersma)
- [203]( Merge pull request #203 from opdemand/56-account-cancellation (opdemand)
- [29a3a09]( Fixed #205 -- updated with fresher AMIs. (mboersma)
- [8a6f44e]( Fixed #204 -- `deis containers` works before `git push` without error. (mboersma)
- [207]( Merge pull request #207 from opdemand/205-update-amis (opdemand)
- [ef59b7c]( Fixed #122 -- CLI-driven test suite. (mboersma)
- [88bd938]( Updated tests (mboersma)
- [a531dbc]( Merge branch '122-acceptance-test' of into 122-acceptance-test (mboersma)
- [d071885]( Updated version strings to 0.1.0. (mboersma)
- [5ffb41f]( write knife output to celery logs regardless of success or failure fixes #206 (gabrtv)
- [209]( Merge pull request #209 from opdemand/log-knife-output (opdemand)
- [b58cb38]( Changed DEIS_SERVER import error to a warning message. (mboersma)
- [639c530]( Remove client tests from default targets; they're too expensive. (mboersma)
- [24d6aa7]( update docs, and remove line break from command output (gabrtv)
- [96b7251]( update berksfile and gemfile for 0.1.0 (gabrtv)
- [210]( Merge pull request #210 from opdemand/122-acceptance-test (opdemand)
- [213]( Merge pull request #213 from opdemand/update-docs (opdemand)
- [212]( Merge pull request #212 from opdemand/update-ruby-deps (opdemand)
- [0cf1279]( print converge output for every node converge, success or fail (gabrtv)
- [59706e1]( remove converge from release handling, fixes double-converge issue on build/config changes (gabrtv)
- [216]( Merge pull request #216 from opdemand/fix-double-converge (opdemand)
- [e829988]( Updated client README. (mboersma)


Not secure
- [9420dfd]( switch back to dev release for 0.0.7 (gabrtv)
- [f6de3f4]( Updated release docs and bumped CLI version to 0.0.7 dev. (mboersma)
- [1274278]( Closes #126. Updated RHS sidebar to float right. Updated the social bar to adjust its top margin on page resize. Updated typography in RHS sidebar. Updated social bar to align to bottom of page text. Updated search results page styling. (bengrunfeld)
- [1fe584f]( Fixed styling error on short documentation pages (bengrunfeld)
- [3ea1730]( Fixed #127 -- use since re.match always matches string start. (mboersma)
- [3f73d81]( Removed empty docs for intentionally empty web/ (mboersma)
- [f39246a]( Fixed #128 -- task-decorated functions need autofunction for docs (mboersma)
- [133]( Merge pull request #133 from opdemand/128-sphinx-task-decorator (opdemand)
- [784358a]( Fixed #131 -- better error handling in `deis open` (mboersma)
- [85afc09]( Fixed #129 -- work around EC2's laggy create_security_group(). (mboersma)
- [5150a73]( Fixed #135 -- better container allocation when removing nodes. (mboersma)
- [9704d86]( Added container allocation tests, re #135. (mboersma)
- [5de5cd1]( Fixed stupid flake8 errors. (mboersma)
- [3ae5b4c]( Fixed #140 -- more compatible usage of mktemp in provision script. (mboersma)
- [259134c]( Fixed searchbar breaking when user inputs too much text (bengrunfeld)
- [c2fccb7]( Fixes #141. Adds sitemap to docs. jQuery for menu functionality adjusted to speed up load time. (bengrunfeld)
- [c2f9f28]( Updated comments on adjustment.js file (bengrunfeld)
- [2c314c9]( Fixes #142. Meta tag containing noindex,nofollow removed. (bengrunfeld)
- [ed7e044]( Updated gunicorn and django-json-field. (mboersma)
- [e4110c3]( Fixes #143. Adjusted canoncial tag to point to correct URL (bengrunfeld)
- [44a5a9e]( Fixed #145 -- allow empty comment/email in SSH key regex. (mboersma)
- [9ba636d]( Fixed #148 -- stick with celery 3.0.22 for now. (mboersma)
- [149]( Merge pull request #149 from opdemand/148-new-celery-breaks (opdemand)
- [146]( Merge pull request #146 from opdemand/145-ssh-key-regex (opdemand)
- [e40d0aa]( Fixed #153 -- warn and return if no SSH keys found. (mboersma)
- [154]( Merge pull request #154 from opdemand/153-no-ssh-keys (opdemand)
- [32d61e5]( add timeout/attempts to util.connect_ssh, use 120s by default (gabrtv)
- [1c39a12]( Added the develop branch to Travis CI. (mboersma)
- [155]( Merge pull request #155 from opdemand/fix-ec2-ssh-timeout (opdemand)
- [86227fa]( raise EnvironmentError if no credentials provided (gabrtv)
- [0a47d7c]( raise 400 on environment error, as in case of missing credentials (gabrtv)
- [bea8963]( handle no credentials error on formation/node destroy (gabrtv)
- [158]( Merge pull request #158 from opdemand/fix-missing-credentials (opdemand)
- [dc7ae67]( Fixed #124 -- fill in explicit values for Flavor params. (mboersma)
- [159]( Merge pull request #159 from opdemand/124-ami-in-flavors (opdemand)
- [b466011]( add uniqueness constraint on public key field, with migration and test (gabrtv)
- [160]( Merge pull request #160 from opdemand/fix-duplicate-sshkey (opdemand)
- [1e0cbe6]( add 500.html template as part of api staticfiles (gabrtv)
- [161]( Merge pull request #161 from opdemand/add-500-template (opdemand)
- [b209957]( Fixed #144 -- check provisioning dependencies before running script (mboersma)
- [162]( Merge pull request #162 from opdemand/144-check-deis-deps (opdemand)
- [9433bf2]( retry all chef api calls with configurable attempts and interval (gabrtv)
- [163]( Merge pull request #163 from opdemand/feature/chef-api-retries (opdemand)
- [fe70977]( Fixed #123 -- updated EC2 AMIs and pointers to them. (mboersma)
- [164]( Merge pull request #164 from opdemand/123-update-amis (opdemand)
- [1614736]( Added tests for Flavor updating. (mboersma)
- [7fc1413]( Fixed #151 -- `deis flavors:update` working with tests. (mboersma)
- [165]( Merge pull request #165 from opdemand/151-update-flavors (opdemand)
- [fe0283e]( Removed "develop" from Travis CI, we're not git-flowing now. (mboersma)
- [168]( Merge pull request #168 from opdemand/develop (opdemand)


Not secure
- [3a48716]( Fixed #71 -- help sphinx work on Windows. (mboersma)
- [e48b264]( Updated jQuery page height detection. Updated styling: added rollover functionality. #29 (bengrunfeld)
- [dcc2859]( Updated Releases link in Docs #29 (bengrunfeld)
- [1788290]( Updated styling on docs. #29 (bengrunfeld)
- [7cd482d]( Silenced some sphinx warnings. (mboersma)
- [7d3549c]( Updated releases doc. (mboersma)
- [c3d1800]( Add meta tags for Terms section #61 (JoshuaSchnell)
- [be982a9]( Add meta tags to client reference, community, etc. #61 (JoshuaSchnell)
- [6bd1d52]( Add meta to getting started and index #61 (JoshuaSchnell)
- [882940b]( Fixed #59 -- restore boilerplate JS to fix Sphinx quick search. (mboersma)
- [671e0de]( Added local copy of searchtools.js for tweaking. (mboersma)
- [3953b9f]( Updated Sphinx documentation templates (bengrunfeld)
- [ba7d671]( Updated documentatipon theme. Removed elements from Search Results page and adjusted the Search box in the sidebar. Changed searchtools.js to resize footer to align with bottom of content (bengrunfeld)
- [8c2ca4d]( Fixed #67 -- synced up README.rst with other intro docs. (mboersma)
- [81]( Merge pull request #81 from opdemand/67-cli-readme (opdemand)
- [89ee756]( Moved checkURL.js out of the docs _build directory. (mboersma)
- [552b4f2]( Fixed #61 -- finished adding META desc & keywords to server API docs. (mboersma)
- [4edc8f6]( Fixed #83 - use vert bar as docs title separator. (mboersma)
- [acd23f3]( Removed reference to "categories" when search returns no results. (mboersma)
- [bddf4ca]( Removed extra copy of checkURL.js under sphinx theme dir. (mboersma)
- [392c9fb]( Change example IP address per RFC 5737 (mboersma)
- [de4f700]( Updated South to 0.8.2. (mboersma)
- [594d68c]( Fixed #66 -- developer setup docs done. (mboersma)
- [5e0f219]( Updated to Django 1.5.2 security release, also boto 2.10.0. (mboersma)
- [f6a46f1]( Deis does not rest. (mboersma)
- [85]( Merge pull request #85 from opdemand/66-dev-setup (opdemand)
- [9898dd8]( Fixed #38 -- enabled Django admin for Deis API models. (mboersma)
- [90]( Merge pull request #90 from opdemand/38-django-admin (opdemand)
- [371638b]( Fixed #92 -- correct some JavaScript in docs for "Releases" link. (mboersma)
- [14481e3]( Fixed #93 -- web UI loads the intended assets now. (mboersma)
- [97c6030]( Fixed #94 -- reference squashing commits in docs, many thanks to Docker for the general wording. (mboersma)
- [34cfcfd]( Fixed 2 broken URL refs, re #94. (mboersma)
- [e1ad061]( use deis::controller meta recipe in provision script re #95 (gabrtv)
- [40c1676]( Fixed #80 -- serializer SlugRelatedFields used too broad a query. (mboersma)
- [97]( Merge pull request #97 from opdemand/80-slug-related-field (opdemand)
- [99729b1]( add logs endpoint, views and tests along with `deis logs` cli command re #20 (gabrtv)
- [98]( Merge pull request #98 from opdemand/log-aggregation (opdemand)
- [9b9ca9a]( Updated django-restframework to 2.3.7. (mboersma)
- [aae91eb]( Expanded vocabulary. (mboersma)
- [ce8d1be]( Fixed #100 -- added rsyslog port 514 to EC2 provisioning script. (mboersma)
- [06c4347]( Fixed #96 -- doc the 2 restframework methods. (mboersma)
- [b6cf21f]( Fixed #78 -- cookie cleanup before login. (mboersma)
- [6fab360]( Fixed #68 -- better CLI handling of EnvironmentErrors. (mboersma)
- [102]( Merge pull request #102 from opdemand/78-login-failed (opdemand)
- [103]( Merge pull request #103 from opdemand/68-cli-stacktrace (opdemand)
- [1ec6ae4]( Added `deis logs` to REST API document, re #20. (mboersma)
- [7132af7]( switch from dash to bash, use /usr/bin/env for better compat fixes #104 (gabrtv)
- [f392868]( switch berksfile to development version (gabrtv)
- [3865c57]( dont converge on any job, just on new node creation fixes #99 (gabrtv)
- [105]( Merge pull request #105 from opdemand/99-autherror-on-scale (opdemand)
- [69526b0]( add logs to common CLI commands (gabrtv)
- [e71c803]( find a proxy and use the OS default handler to open the URL fixes #106 (gabrtv)
- [107]( Merge pull request #107 from opdemand/106-deis-open (opdemand)
- [30a35e8]( log django.request and api errors to console, where gunicorn will dump a stacktrace fixes #79 (gabrtv)
- [f26e859]( return a proper 404 when no logs exist fixes #101 (gabrtv)
- [109]( Merge pull request #109 from opdemand/101-no-logs-message (opdemand)
- [6081551]( cleanup any old logfiles re #101 (gabrtv)
- [ca3112c]( add whitespace after : for the flake8 gods (gabrtv)
- [110]( Merge pull request #110 from opdemand/101-no-logs-message (opdemand)
- [108]( Merge pull request #108 from opdemand/79-log-500-errors (opdemand)
- [30a939f]( Added `deis logs` to docstrings. (mboersma)
- [313200c]( remove dupe doc reference to logs (gabrtv)
- [2d2c65d]( Fixed #84 -- no stacktrace when `deis providers` comes up empty. (mboersma)
- [e26da5e]( Fixed #24 -- added progress animation for long CLI commands. (mboersma)
- [112]( Merge pull request #112 from opdemand/24-cli-progress (opdemand)
- [976ba88]( Aligned the Deis web UI with the theme. (mboersma)
- [114]( Merge pull request #114 from opdemand/113-controller-web-ui (opdemand)
- [bf61fbc]( Fixed #111 -- move new_nodes out of conditional and delete nodes properly. (mboersma)
- [b330e24]( Fix #70 -- first pass at `deis run <command>` including test coverage (mboersma)
- [116]( Merge pull request #116 from opdemand/111-scaling-error (opdemand)
- [115]( Merge pull request #115 from opdemand/70-run-bash (opdemand)
- [4033d94]( Fixed #118 -- fixed progress thread management in CLI. (mboersma)
- [119]( Merge pull request #119 from opdemand/118-progress-threads (opdemand)
- [ce2563b]( import profile.d/*.sh into shell environment on `deis run` (gabrtv)
- [9d7de9b]( Prep for 0.0.6 release. (mboersma)
- [a3ab116]( update berksfile.lock for 0.0.6 (gabrtv)


Not secure
- [e5b7c68]( Fixed #5 -- created release process doc. (mboersma)
- [0ac52a8]( Add client module to Sphinx docs, re #49. (mboersma)
- [b455a1d]( reset south migrations, and add uniqueness contraint on builds fixes #30 (gabrtv)
- [ab88961]( paginate by 100 instead of 10 fixes #44 (gabrtv)
- [f03d218]( display assigned nodes on containers:list, to view balancing (gabrtv)
- [849ebc5]( Added brief REST API docs, re #47. (mboersma)
- [56effef]( Fixed URL ordering that broke several tests. (mboersma)
- [df32c09]( Fixed #49 -- make module docstring into reST, everyone's happy. (mboersma)
- [213237f]( Simplify requirements and fake SECRET_KEY for doc generation, re #57. (mboersma)
- [b4dc254]( Include LICENSE file in client pypi package. (mboersma)
- [5faf53f]( Updated sphinx theme to match site, re #29. (mboersma)
- [51434ae]( Added right navigation to docs. (mboersma)
- [f5891f2]( wait 10 seconds for ssh daemon to come up (gabrtv)
- [9da39f7]( Added sphinx search in for styling, re #29. (mboersma)
- [88c98c6]( Updated: CSS and Structure (bengrunfeld)
- [335b0ad]( Deleted old CSS files. Updated Layout and CSS (bengrunfeld)
- [468ca52]( Remove permalinks from Sphinx doc generation. (mboersma)
- [cc96896]( Fixed broken JS by removing a macro. (mboersma)
- [635988a]( Updated: Margins and Padding inside of Sidebar (bengrunfeld)
- [12d4e13]( Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (bengrunfeld)
- [f5be86c]( Restored search in docs, started Community docs, re #4. (mboersma)
- [6f11be6]( Added: Analytics code to layout.html (bengrunfeld)
- [d518536]( Added a "make zipfile" target for doc hosting. (mboersma)
- [44b3c7d]( Update releases doc to include "make zipfile" and (mboersma)
- [652af70]( Updated: Removed search and restyled sidebar. Code blocks now in lightgray background (bengrunfeld)
- [013ea3a]( Fixed: Javascript error. Changed docs styles (bengrunfeld)
- [e0db967]( Fixed #4 -- added community and conduct language to docs. (mboersma)
- [639e80c]( pushing new structure for sphinx nav (gabrtv)
- [7fd6f14]( add comprehensive client reference, cleanup toctrees re #47 (gabrtv)
- [cac60eb]( first pass at technical overview, include terms in toctree #62 (gabrtv)
- [93d45fc]( Updated: the jQuery that sets the height of the 3 columns, and how the margin above teh social buttons is calculated (bengrunfeld)
- [d47b85d]( Added accordion functionality to docs sidebar. Updated style of search box. Updated jQuery page height calculation. (bengrunfeld)
- [3f066ee]( fix seo on main documentation page (gabrtv)
- [4caf32c]( rename technical overview to concepts (gabrtv)
- [bec19a0]( Added the search results template to deis theme. (mboersma)
- [65d8b99]( Started dev setup and code standards docs, re #2. (mboersma)
- [25e9cc2]( update concepts language, welcome page language (gabrtv)
- [9eed2bf]( Fixed #2 -- added "contributing" documentation. (mboersma)
- [ae296bd]( standardize on uppercase for contributing docs (gabrtv)
- [e0270a2]( fix some typos and broken links on concepts page (gabrtv)
- [6d8f971]( add technical description to welcome page (gabrtv)
- [117b6d2]( update client readme.rst with updated language (gabrtv)
- [8743735]( add getting started instructions, remove CRs fixes #45 (gabrtv)
- [e7ab6d6]( Started dev setup documentation, re #1. (mboersma)
- [7c43037]( add better client description (gabrtv)
- [a1cc87c]( edits to readme (gabrtv)
- [08bc8e1]( Updated with some github-flavored markdown (mboersma)
- [b778f81]( Updated jQuery URL-matching functionality to sidebar (bengrunfeld)
- [cbe5145]( Updated docs layout. Removed old code. (bengrunfeld)
- [a4ffa1f]( Added the installation doc, from the project README. (mboersma)
- [d29c97a]( Add ref to Installation from Usage doc. (mboersma)
- [e91f40d]( Created new favicon and applied it to docs and theme (bengrunfeld)
- [5b4f5bc]( Reference the Installation doc in Developer Setup. (mboersma)
- [a6a4aa1]( Fixed link to example app and fixed some inline <pre> markup. (mboersma)
- [5df9616]( add note about publishing amis (gabrtv)
- [a39574f]( first pass at terms documentation (gabrtv)
- [5b72fe8]( Added module docstrings for the proto-web app. (mboersma)
- [29a751c]( Skip 0-length files and use Deis' CSS in coverage report. (mboersma)
- [8d4fba5]( Commented out empty web test. (mboersma)
- [0d8474a]( Updated boto, django-celery, and paramiko. (mboersma)
- [42bf7ef]( remove dupe content from docs welcome page (gabrtv)
- [f9107e3]( add note about admins group requirement re #53 (gabrtv)
- [bd67434]( update installation docs w/ chef admin requirement re #53 (gabrtv)
- [285588c]( Updated version to 0.0.5. (mboersma)
- [266fa79]( Removed a swapfile dropping and updated docs Makefile. (mboersma)
- [868d037]( update Berksfile to use new v0.0.5 cookbook (gabrtv)


Not secure
- [0462cef]( Initial commit (mboersma)
- [40bf6f6]( Merged three projects into one. (mboersma)
- [918a18f]( Updated for current deis product blurb. (mboersma)
- [3ac0199]( Add missing bin/ dirs and remove bin from .gitignore. (mboersma)
- [9413a72]( Updated git checkout path for controller. (mboersma)
- [1976aa6]( More project structure maneuvering. (mboersma)
- [d9285ce]( change contrib script name (gabrtv)
- [98b14f0]( add Gemfile and Berksfile for Chef dependency management (gabrtv)
- [2739380]( add helper script for provisioning an ec2 controller (gabrtv)
- [9b321f8]( ignore rbenv version (gabrtv)
- [aa2b715]( remove pydevd from master (gabrtv)
- [60814b9]( Updated doc API layout. (mboersma)
- [75f2aa2]( move auto-generated ssh keys to formation, add tests for ssh key override on formation create. fixes #17 (gabrtv)
- [7064132]( Added config file for Travis CI. (mboersma)
- [7392f83]( hardcode chef version to 11.4.4 as the new 11.6.0 breaks everything (gabrtv)
- [35c3046]( update berksfile to use deis 0.0.4 (gabrtv)
- [b58281b]( More testing of Travis CI configuration. (mboersma)
- [d7c60dc]( Added DB config to .travis.yml. (mboersma)
- [d03aff3]( Fixed #9 -- integration working. (mboersma)
- [9328e5a]( Restore lost line in travis config. (mboersma)
- [dc62bf3]( Fixed #7 -- updated README and published to pypi. (mboersma)
- [71bd371]( Updated pypi package status to beta. (mboersma)
- [4ab89bb]( convert deis to symlink (gabrtv)
- [cc9f277]( refactor CLI http dispatch re #16 (gabrtv)
- [485df36]( seed default providers and flavors on user registration, re #23 (gabrtv)
- [50df654]( add `deis providers:discover` with a more explicit discovery workflow that uses default providers, fixes #23 (gabrtv)
- [1536176]( Began some PEP8 / pyflakes-inspired code cleanup. (mboersma)
- [96fecae]( Continued PEP8 code cleanup. (mboersma)
- [8b3c218]( Removed two requirements that weren't actually required. (mboersma)
- [d97714b]( Testing pre-commit flake8 hook. (mboersma)
- [3b9d90a]( Replaced pep8 and pyflakes targets with flake8. (mboersma)
- [ba5119b]( Refs #6, flake8 code cleanup nearly done. (mboersma)
- [0c89448]( first pass at layer refactoring, with passing test suite (gabrtv)
- [1206fe6]( remove south for now (gabrtv)
- [14aa7e4]( use layer to define run_list and initial attributes (gabrtv)
- [30e40b9]( Refs #10 -- set up and integration. (mboersma)
- [c516468]( move key functions, remove image from formation required args (gabrtv)
- [e4da21b]( Revert azure to required, apparently travis CI thinks so. (mboersma)
- [3e7ab6e]( Fixed typo in travis after_success hook. (mboersma)
- [5d78fb8]( move default cloud init into FlavorManager (gabrtv)
- [e421b30]( move initial_attributes into layer (gabrtv)
- [d6ee9e9]( number nodes by layer (gabrtv)
- [bc03426]( Filter out travis' virtualenv from coverage report. (mboersma)
- [9bb3638]( add run_list and initial_attributes conditionally (gabrtv)
- [f78a533]( replace formation scaling with layer & container scaling (gabrtv)
- [b11c9f0]( move cloud infrastructure fields from formation to layer (gabrtv)
- [483b4d2]( include formation name in layer infrastructure (gabrtv)
- [4a9ed1a]( destroy layer infrastructure on DELETE (gabrtv)
- [a09d60e]( switch to get_object_or_404 on layer views (gabrtv)
- [959c79c]( only apply jobs if defined (gabrtv)
- [2cfa340]( new batching logic for formation/layer destroy (gabrtv)
- [5aed1ee]( add layers:destroy, change layers:create args (gabrtv)
- [c5638fd]( change register url to match other auth urls (gabrtv)
- [e115621]( remove commented line (gabrtv)
- [3542969]( fix sg_name bug (gabrtv)
- [fcbf263]( add node deletion (gabrtv)
- [8908fd5]( Moved docopt to requirements.txt and updated client/Makefile. (mboersma)
- [56f7ad1]( create a list of csv run_list field (gabrtv)
- [2a14dc7]( Added requirements to for client. (mboersma)
- [01df37f]( remove sleeps from node tests, test for databag on layer:scale operations (gabrtv)
- [8f582f5]( add chef version to layer (gabrtv)
- [8ae3d22]( add Layer.level for future batching of node converges (gabrtv)
- [5c285d0]( remove default build URL, allow null builds by default (gabrtv)
- [f60c9e4]( limit to just gitosis recipe on formation destroy (to assist with debugging) (gabrtv)
- [bbfad86]( add formation info and node destroy (gabrtv)
- [d83c2c0]( change print on layer:create (gabrtv)
- [663dc88]( fix bug with change flag in scale_containers (gabrtv)
- [5b177f9]( fix bug in layer scaling (gabrtv)
- [c672ec4]( purge backends/proxies references from client (gabrtv)
- [0187064]( merging layout changes with current master re #34 (gabrtv)
- [7b86a7c]( reset south migrations and fix some uniqueness contraints #34 (gabrtv)
- [ea8e7ba]( fix client merge conflicts (gabrtv)
- [10d1429]( re-enable south, note this requires a db wipe (gabrtv)
- [9e07a52]( Build.push classmethod for handling git-push through gitosis #35 (gabrtv)
- [519969b]( rename to push-hook #35 (gabrtv)
- [ce3430a]( remove build version so push-hook doesn't have to increment it re #35 (gabrtv)
- [4b75903]( catch layer does not exist error (gabrtv)
- [b636f0d]( make layer:destroy message consistent (gabrtv)
- [e0b3724]( deprecate Access and Event models, we'll reintroduce what we need later #37 (gabrtv)
- [8efb373]( purge cruft from django settings #37 (gabrtv)
- [5b5bb71]( purge admin module, we'll re-enable it when we get to #38 (gabrtv)
- [9890f0e]( db migration for removing access and event models #37 (gabrtv)
- [3370ecf]( remove admin urls #37 (gabrtv)
- [4f94e80]( only save updates to formation.layers and formation.containers after successful scale operations #34 (gabrtv)
- [0db163e]( fix config api endpoints #16 (gabrtv)
- [41718ff]( moar readme (gabrtv)
- [8d9ec4e]( another round of readme updates (gabrtv)
- [8db1ff1]( add deis-graphic (gabrtv)
- [e6e7ff4]( Updated sphinx docs layout. (mboersma)
- [e938d57]( Moved "docs" target to default. (mboersma)
- [e1c1d19]( Added some "terms" pages to define basic Deis concepts. (mboersma)
- [b4d32dc]( Added sphinx :ref: tags to docs. (mboersma)
- [45d327a]( Added a sphinx theme. (mboersma)
- [b5d515d]( add default run_lists to layers:create (gabrtv)
- [4dabce9]( add data bag creation to provisioning (gabrtv)
- [17409a3]( add provider discovery on registration #16 (gabrtv)
- [a5d07cd]( create data bags and data bag items on provision (gabrtv)
- [93c10b7]( update berksfile lock (gabrtv)
- [c014426]( move docopt usage into docstrings and cleanup CLI dispatch re #11 16 (gabrtv)
- [2d5823e]( fix ugly git remote not found stacktrace, misc cleanup #16 (gabrtv)
- [cb9906d]( cleanup create, scale, destroy workflow and output #16 (gabrtv)
- [c57ae23]( Refs #41 -- add client to INSTALLED_APPS, "make flake8" code cleanup. (mboersma)
- [b04f295]( Added sphinx to travis ci configuration. (mboersma)
- [02f6fad]( Fixed #41 -- repackaged client as a single-file install. (mboersma)
- [b1f8911]( create one initial web container on Build.push, only if there exists a runtime layer and web containers are < 1 fixes #42 (gabrtv)
- [914bb99]( first pass at heroku-style container listing #16 (gabrtv)
- [c5de935]( resolve merge conflict on client (gabrtv)
- [3f373db]( change default image to deis/buildstep #43 (gabrtv)
- [0abdacf]( order containers oldest first for CLI output #16 (gabrtv)
- [f8a2ac1]( we need to check for > 0 runtime _nodes_, not just a runtime layer #42 (gabrtv)
- [c7fdf8c]( add status fields on node/container with TODOs for adding celery beat health checks (gabrtv)
- [de7f3fd]( workaround for ec2 race condition (gabrtv)
- [c3e907c]( change managed to created, since we're not actively managing the sg and we don't want to scare admins away from locking it down (gabrtv)
- [af4b082]( add subcommand help dispatch, with placeholder help for now #16 (gabrtv)
- [eb9ad86]( ignore node does not exist errors in the event of unclean destroy (gabrtv)
- [45c7d00]( change default instance size to m1.medium (gabrtv)
- [ed9e3a9]( add script and instructions building Deis-optimized AMI from scratch #21 (gabrtv)
- [ea234b5]( add script to distribute AMIs across regions #21 (gabrtv)
- [b5dda35]( deprecate old script (gabrtv)
- [a61da77]( switch ec2 to new deis-optimized AMIs #21 (gabrtv)
- [8990667]( add deis-optimized amis to provision-ec2-controller script #21 (gabrtv)
- [2079616]( minor cleanup on provision controller script (gabrtv)
- [5d2f6a7]( check for git root before creating formation, provide better workflow guidance #16 (gabrtv)
- [129445b]( cleanup formation/layer/node destroy batching (gabrtv)
- [7d52dec]( check for no creds on layer:scale, with tests (gabrtv)
- [08ae187]( only delete records from the view, fix chef_id issue (gabrtv)
- [67c6cf3]( rework subtask batching again (gabrtv)
- [ccd60e2]( remove unnecessary celery grouping (gabrtv)
- [5ce8a38]( only terminate node if provider_id exists (gabrtv)
- [6704c28]( add formation_id to args (gabrtv)
- [31fe7f6]( change task invocation style (gabrtv)
- [f79aac9]( Code cleanup via flake8. (mboersma)
- [48fc8d1]( add docstrings, make `deis help <anything>` dispatch correctly #16 (gabrtv)
- [73a1d37]( move parse_args() out of main, other flake8 fixes #16 (gabrtv)
- [9a04b32]( resolve remaining flake8 issues (gabrtv)
- [64deec5]( allow listing of builds/releases (gabrtv)
- [6f01b25]( Enforce flake8 checking on travis CI. (mboersma)
- [696b897]( Updated API docs structure. (mboersma)
- [33ddab6]( Remove unused "./ client" command. (mboersma)
- [ef89938]( Added a few docstrings, refs #11. (mboersma)
- [56d0d30]( finish adding docstrings and inline help to cli, add support for enumerating releases/builds #16 (gabrtv)
- [13f5128]( more cli inline help edits (gabrtv)
- [2fb15e6]( remove old readme (gabrtv)
- [3797daf]( Refs #11 -- more docstring improvement. (mboersma)
- [001e9d6]( Re #11 -- more docstring progress (mboersma)
- [578c032]( Removed pydevd file from master branch. (mboersma)
- [4ebd123]( standardize list and info cli output (gabrtv)
- [abbc10a]( fix flake8 line length (gabrtv)
- [8834b94]( check for valid flavor on formations:create, add time-based done output #16 (gabrtv)
- [72b8345]( update in prep for 0.0.4 release (gabrtv)

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