* refactored functions wrappers location `dimcli.core.functions.*` but can be imported using `dimcli.shortcurts`
* `DslDataset.as_dataframe_concepts()` method: refactoring so to handle latest concept scores * `shortcuts.extract_concepts` method: wrapper for DSL function * `shortcuts.extract_classification` method: wrapper for DSL function * `shortcuts.extract_grants` method: wrapper for DSL function
* improved login feedback message * automated check for latest Dimcli version at login * `dimcli.DslDataset` is the new name of dimcli.Dataset, to avoid conflicts with Dataset documents in Dimensions * DSL grammar updated for version 1.25 (2020-05-28 release) * CLI: new command `export_as_jupyter`
* DSL grammar updated for version 1.24 (2020-05-11 release) * fix bug caused by new `_version` and `_notes` key in JSON response * support for key-based authentication methods
* `df_grant_investigators_affiliations` new dataframe shortcut for grants results * `dsl_escape` accepts boolean arg for escaping any special character (by default it escapes only `"`) * `dsl.query_iterative` new argument: `force`: if any error if encountered during the extraction of a batch, it forces the iteration to continue * CLI: pretty printing for `.json_compact` command
* CLI: new categories autocomplete, for Units of Assesment and Sustainable Development Goals * CLI: barchart export `export_as_bar_chart` * CLI: html export includes API endpoint information, for better traceability * `Dataset.as_dataframe_concepts()` method: improved metrics and performance