* `dimcli.Dataset` is the new name of dimcli.Result and is available at module level
* methods to build `Dataset` from raw data (instead of from a query) so to reuse as_dataframe() methods etc: `Dataset.from_publications_list(data)`
* data can be from list of dictionaries
* or data can be a dataframe (eg obtained from previous query operations)
* experimental feature `Dataset.as_dimensions_url()`
* `dimcli.login()` method now accepts an optional argument `verbose=True/False` to enable/suppress feedback
* `Dsl.query_iterative` takes an extra argument `pause` determining iteration break length (default = 1.5 seconds)
* added more utility functions to `dimcli.shortcuts` module
* new method `Dataset.as_dataframe_concepts()` for publications and grants. Returns a full list of all concepts, including position, score (in the context of a publication/grant) and frequency (across records).
* fixed error with `as_dataframe_investigators`
* fixed error with `limit` keyword wrongly found in iterative_query
* fixed error with verbose flag lost after queries with 403s or automatic retries
* improved autocomplete after magic command %dsl