
Latest version: v0.11.2

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- from pr: 121
- commits from: prisae
- review from: lheagy

Expand `plot_3d_slicer`

Addresses 116 .

Bug fix
First, it contains a minor bug-fix in the scrolling behavior (last element in each direction was not acceptable, only noticeable in small grids).

Included all non-vector `vType`'s: `CC`, `Ex`, `Ey`, `Ez`, `Fx`, `Fy`, `Fz`.

Included all `view`'s except `vec` (`real` [default]; `imag`; `abs`; tested them all, seems to be fine).

There is a problem with the `view`-parameter, which I stupidly used to switch the x-y-axis. I changed the previous `view`-parameter to `axis` (hence `axis='xy'` or `'yx'`). It is better to change this than to have different parameters as, for instance, in `plotSlice`. I added a switch for backwards-compatibility (if `view in ['xy', 'yx']` => it sets `axis = view; view = 'real'`).


- from pr: 114
- commits from: banesullivan
- review from: rowanc1, lheagy


These new features enable `discretize` to have a direct interface for VTK base software by implementing `toVTK()` methods on all the mesh types (excluding `CylMesh` at this time). Notably, banesullivan will be using this to provide interoperability with [**PVGeo**](http://pvgeo.org/) to provide direct file IO into ParaView using `discretize` as well as ways to interactively create `discretize` meshes in ParaView similar to [**this example**](http://pvgeo.org/examples/model-building/create-rectilinear-grid/) in the PVGeo docs. This new interface also enables `discretize` meshes to be passed on directly to VTK algorithms for post-processing analysis (note if you couple the interface with PVGeo like shown in [**this notebook**](https://github.com/OpenGeoVis/PVGeo-Examples/blob/master/2.0%20-%20PVGeo%2BDiscretize.ipynb), the process is somewhat simplified).

To learn more about the new VTK object interface, see the docs for the [`vtkInterface`](http://discretize.simpeg.xyz/en/latest/content/mixins.html#module-discretize.mixins.vtkModule).

Example Usage

The VTK object interface can be used on `TensorMesh`, `TreeMesh`, and `CurvilinearMesh` objects to yield a VTK object in your active Python environment or used to save VTK files for easy sharing.

import discretize
import numpy as np
h1 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 3)
h2 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 5)
h3 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 3)
mesh = discretize.TensorMesh([h1, h2, h3])

Yield a VTK data object for passing this mesh onto VTK algorithms
vtkobj = mesh.toVTK()

Or save out the tree mesh for sharing with others

Note that these new features also give users the ability to specify the axes orientation of any given mesh. For example, the above `TensorMesh` is oriented on the traditional Cartesian reference frame by default but we could change this. To define what that orientation is, we can use the new `axis_*` properties:

Defined a rotated reference frame
mesh.axis_u = (1,-1,0)
mesh.axis_v = (-1,-1,0)
mesh.axis_w = (0,0,1)
Check that the reference frame is valid

Now we have a `TensorMesh` explicitly defined on a rotated reference frame! This is quite useful for when we want to convert this to a VTK data object that must have its location in a traditional XYZ Cartesian space defined.

Please take a look at [**the docs**](http://discretize.simpeg.xyz/en/latest/content/mixins.html#module-discretize.mixins.vtkModule) to learn more about using these new features!


- from pr 104
- commits from prisae
- review from lheagy


Add an interactive slicer for 3D volumes. At the moment only implemented for tensor meshes.


- Mouse wheel scroll while hovering over a subplot scrolls through the third axis (e.g., hovering over the xy-slice and scrolling your mouse wheel will go through the z-axis).
- The three subplots are synced, also for zooming and moving.
- The initial slices can be provided via the `xslice`, `yslice`, and `zslice` parameters (default is in the middle of the volume).
- Transparency values and ranges can be provided (a list of floats and tuples/lists of two values), e.g. to hide the seawater or to focus on an interesting part, e.g., `[0.3, [1, 4], [-np.infty, -10]]` to remove all values equal to 0.3, all values between 1 and 4, and all values smaller than -10. For interactive range selection set `transparency='slider'`.
- Takes `clim` and `pcolorOpts` as other mesh-plotting functions, which will be passed to `pcolormesh`.
- By default the horizontal axis is `x`, and the vertical axis is `y`; this can be flipped by setting `view='yx'`.

By default, the aspect ratio of the three subplots is set to `'auto'`. You can change this with the `aspect`
parameter, however, expect the unexpected by doing this. Most importantly, the three subplots won't be nicely aligned, and zooming might result in funny arrangements. Two parameters can be used in this respect:
- `aspect` takes `'auto'`, `'equal'`, or `num`. A list of two of them can be provided, in which case the first element is for the xy-slice, and the second element for the xz- and zy-slices. E.g., `aspect=['equal', 2]` sets the xy-slice to `equal`, and in the other two the vertical dimension is exaggerated by a factor of 2.
- The `plot_3d_slicer` is on a `subplot2grid`-grid, by default on a 3x3 grid, where 2x2 are used for the xy-slice, 2x1 for the xz-slice, and 1x2 for the zy-slice. You can provide a list of three integers via the `grid`-parameter, which stand for the number of grid-units occupied for the x-, y-, and z-dimension (default is `[2, 2, 1]`).



It requires `%matplotlib notebook` in Jupyter. In regular IPython shells it should just work.


- allow kwargs for `color` and `linewidth` in the plotgrid function
- helpful when plotting the mesh and model on a highly discretized mesh. e.g.


- from 102
- commits from: cgohlke
- review from: jcapriot, lheagy

- Include tree.pxd in source distribution


- from pr 101
- `".-"` is no longer valid for a linestyle input in matplotlib, it should instead be "-." (however, a solid line looks better anyways for the 1d).


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