
Latest version: v2.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* permission refactoring
* new AdminActionPermMixin to easily filter out not allowed actions from the list


* Add GitHub Actions / lint


* add new configuration settings.AA_PERMISSION_HANDLER to customise how to create extra permissions


* Drop support Django < 2.2
* change create_extra_permission to be executed after all other migrations
* add `create_extra_permission` to handle situaations where permissions are not created for all models


* Drop support Django < 2.2
* Official Django 3.2 support
* Official Django 3.1 support
* Official python 3.8 and 3.9 support
* MassUpdate: add new settings configuration `UPDATE_ACTION_IGNORED_FIELDS`. (thanks PetrKudy)
* Merge: add new settings configuration `MERGE_ACTION_IGNORED_FIELDS`. (thanks PetrKudy)
* change create_extra_permission to be executed after all other migrations
* add `create_extra_permission` to handle situaations where permissions are not created for all models


* Official Django 3.0 support

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