
Latest version: v2.3.0

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* MassUpdate: add new configuration `mass_update_fields`, `mass_update_exclude`, `mass_update_hints`


* Fixes 160 - Mass update error. Too many values to unpack


* Add Django 2.2 support
* Improves performace
* Fixes 152 - Allow protected merges
* Fixes 153 - Adminactions slow down running whole test suite
* Fixes 154 - fix a crash with Django model choices
* Fixes 157 - Mass update should really respect raw_id_fields
* Fixes 158 - Huge mass update performance fixes for large tables


* fixes :ghissue:`142` Updates README.rst with svg badges
* fixes :ghissue:`136` RemovedInDjango19Warning
* add official support to Django 2.0 and Python 3.6
* `add_to_site` now accept `include` argument
* cleaner merge interface


* add official support to Django 1.11 and Python 3.6
* fixes :ghissue:`116` Fixing ManyToMany merging with intermediary models. (thanks int-ua)
* fixes :ghissue:`95` Cannot merge models with subclassed ImageField or FileField: "file not sent". (thanks int-ua)
* fixes :ghissue:`108` merge doesn't account for many-to-many relationships
* fixes :ghissue:`93` Do not export dates as strings in Excel


* document :ghissue:`112` Undocumented feature: merge_form
* document :ghissue:`108` merge doesn't account for many-to-many relationships
* document :ghissue:`95` Cannot merge models with subclassed ImageField: "file not sent" error
* document :ghissue:`85` merge doesn't work for models related with on_delete=Protect

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