
Latest version: v2.2.0

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- Drop Python 3.3 support (81).
- Add Django 1.10 support (80).



Enhancements & New Features

- Return the eventual HTTP error message to the front-end in the context of a HTTP error in a ``AgnocompleteURLProxy`` field (71).
- Handle the ``to_field_name`` parameter with ``AgnocompleteModel`` and allow customization of the label alone by overriding ``AgnocompleteModel.label()`` (77).
- In the "error" demo, display the error message returned by the Agnocomplete call (65).

Docs & Help

- Added a ``make clean`` command to remove junk assets (64).
- Added a ``doclint`` job to check documentation build (69).
- Link the Github project on the documentation homepage (73).
- Mention the version of `django-autocomplete-light` it reuses concepts from (74).
- Update README (typos, syntax HL on commands) (75).



- Dropped support for Django 1.6 / 1.7 (54),
- Added support for Django 1.9. Please note that the combination Python 3.3 and Django 1.9 is incompatible - `see Django 1.9 release notes <>`_ (#56).
- Added support for extra arguments passed to the search URL, passed on the Agnocomplete class (52).
- Added the ``AgnocompleteUrlProxy`` class, handling autocomplete using a third-party HTTP API (55, 62, 63, 67).
- Removed Django 1.10 deprecation warnings (59).
- Global Error Handling (60).
- Allowing Autocomplete class argument in AgnocompleteField to be either string (``str``) or unicode variables (66).



- Removed Django deprecation (49)
- Now ready for Python 3.5. (19) - Note: Only available for Django 1.8 and above.



- Added the multiple selection feature (33).



- added a new method in ``AgnocompleteModel``, named ``build_filtered_queryset``, to allow overriding (47).

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