
Latest version: v2.2.0

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- Fix IE8/9 bug for AJAX response headers (45)



- Stronger validation of context-based agnocomplete fields (39).
- Expose a ``final_queryset`` (aliasing the ``_final_queryset`` property) *and* a ``final_raw_queryset`` property that recieves the actual *unpaginated* queryset on which the search is based (40).



- Expose a ``_final_queryset`` property that receives the actual queryset executed right before serialization (40).



- Improve performances by slicing the resultset before rendering (36).
- Added an `item(current_item)` method to override display label on choices (37).



- Add a new method to have the possibilty to override easily the display label (34).
- ``make docs`` is a PHONY makefile target.




- a more pertinent data attribute to target agnocomplete-ready fields (22).
- New Demo: using ``jquery-autocomplete`` (10, thx GreatWizard).
- New Demo: using twitter's ``typeahead`` (23, thx GreatWizard).
- New Demo: using ``select2`` (24, thx GreatWizard).
- Fixed bad Django 1.6 loading (29).
- Added the Admin site demo, along with documentation (27).

Minor changes

- Post-v0.1 cleanups (18),
- Introduced interface contract using the ``abstractmethod`` decorator. This doesn't change anything for the user, but it makes sure that classes that don't implement the right methods can't even be instanciated (25, thx boblefrag).
- Modularized the demo-specific Javascripts in ``static/js/demo/`` (28).
- Documentation about hacking and fiddling with the demo site (30)

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