
Latest version: v1.16.0

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* :bug:`212 major` Small changes for Django 1.10 compatibility.
* :bug:`211 major` ReadTheDocs links updated.
* :bug:`209 major` Django documentation link updated.


* :bug:`208 major` Fixed errors from combining certain access mixins.
* :bug:`196 major` Refactor how users without permissions are handled.
* :bug:`181 major` Fixed redirect loops based on user permissions.
* :bug:`161 major` Fixed redirect loop for users without proper groups for ``MultipleGroupRequiredMixin`` and ``GroupRequiredMixin``.
* :support:`209` Fixed link to Django documentation for ``user_passes_test`` decorator.
* :feature:`203` Use Django's supplied version of ``six`` to remove an external dependency.
* :support:`202` Fixed typo in ``PermissionsRequiredMixin`` and ``MultiplePermissionsRequiredMixin``.
* :support:`201` Fixed typo in ``SuccessURLRedirectListMixin``.
* :support:`192` Added example for ``OrderableListView``.


* :bug:`176` Only check time delta for authenticated users in :ref:`RecentLoginRequiredMixin`.
* :bug:`-` Changed :ref:`JsonRequestResponseMixin` docs to not use `ugettext_lazy`.
* :bug:`-` Updated tests to include Python 3.2.
* :bug:`185` Removed `u` prefixes to allow Python 3.2 support.
* :support:`-` Added note to docs about Python and Django versions used in tests.
* :bug:`-` Fix small issue in docs for :ref:JsonResponseMixin. The accepted kwarg for the render_to_response method is status not status_code.


* :support:`145` Allow custom exceptions to be raised by all AccessMixins.
* :feature:`171` New ``SSLRequiredMixin``. Redirect http -> https.
* :feature:`138` New :ref:`RecentLoginRequiredMixin` to require user sessions to have a given freshness.
* :bug:`164 major` Use `resolve_url` to handle `LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`s in `` that are just URL names.
* :bug:`130 major` New attribute on :ref:`JSONResponseMixin` to allow setting a custom JSON encoder class.
* :bug:`131 major` New attribute on :ref:`LoginRequiredMixin` so it's possible to redirect unauthenticated users while
using ``AccessMixin``-derived mixins instead of throwing an exception.


* :support:`129` Split ```` out into multiple files since it was approaching 1000 LoC.
* :feature:`119` :ref:`SetHeadlineMixin` now accepts ``headline`` with ``ugettext_lazy()``-wrapped strings.
* :bug:`94 major` Fixed a bug where :ref:`JSONResponseMixin` would override the ``content_type`` of Django's ``TemplateView`` in Django 1.6.
* :bug:`- major` Fixed bug in :ref:`PermissionRequiredMixin` where if ``PermissionRequiredMixin.no_permissions_fail`` returned a false-y value, the user lacking the permission would pass instead of being denied access.
* :support:`73` Added doc for how to contribute.
* :feature:`120` Added :ref:`MessageMixin` to allow easier access to Django's ``contrib.messages`` messages. :ref:`FormValidMessageMixin` and :ref:`FormInvalidMessageMixin` were updated to use it.
* :bug:`98 major` Fixed bug in :ref:`CanonicalSlugDetailMixin` to allow it to use custom URL kwargs.
* :bug:`105 major` Fixed bug in :ref:`GroupRequiredMixin` where superusers were blocked by lack of group memberships.
* :bug:`106 major` Fixed bug in :ref:`GroupRequiredMixin` which now correctly checks for group membership against a list.
* :feature:`102` Added new :ref:`StaticContextMixin` mixin which lets you pass in ``static_context`` as a property of the view.
* :feature:`89` Added new :ref:`AnonymousRequiredMixin` which redirects authenticated users to another view.
* :feature:`104` Added new :ref:`AllVerbsMixin` which allows a single method to response to all HTTP verbs.
* :bug:`- major` Provided ``JSONRequestResponseMixin`` as a mirror of :ref:`JsonRequestResponseMixin` because we're not PHP.
* :feature:`107` :ref:`FormValidMessageMixin`, :ref:`FormInvalidMessageMixin`, and :ref:`FormMessagesMixin` all allow ``ugettext_lazy``-wrapped strings.
* :feature:`67` Extended :ref:`PermissionRequiredMixin` and :ref:`MultiplePermissionsRequiredMixin` to accept django-guardian-style custom/object permissions.


* :bug:`95` Removed accidentally-added breakpoint.
* :support:`96 backported` Added ``build/`` to ``.gitignore``

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