
Latest version: v1.16.0

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* :support:`59` Removed ``CreateAndRedirectToEditView`` mixin which was marked for deprecation and removal since 1.0.0.
* :feature:`51` Added :ref:`JsonRequestResponseMixin` which attempts to parse requests as JSON.
* :feature:`61` Added :ref:`CanonicalSlugDetailMixin` mixin which allows for the specification of a canonical slug on a ``DetailView`` to help with SEO by redirecting on non-canonical requests.
* :feature:`76` Added :ref:`UserPassesTestMixin` mixin to replicate the behavior of Django's ``user_passes_test`` decorator.
* :bug:`- major` Some fixes for :ref:`CanonicalSlugDetailMixin`.
* :feature:`92` ``AccessMixin`` now has a runtime-overridable ``login_url`` attribute.
* :bug:`- major` Fixed problem with :ref:`GroupRequiredMixin` that made it not actually work.
* :support:`-` All tests pass for Django versions 1.4 through 1.6 and Python versions 2.6, 2.7, and 3.3 (Django 1.4 and 1.5 not tested with Python 3.3).


* :support:`-` Uses ``six.string_types`` instead of explicitly relying on ``str`` and ``unicode`` types.


* :bug:`-` Fix to allow ``reverse_lazy`` to work for all ``AccessMixin``-derived mixins.


* :feature:`57` :ref:`FormValidMessageMixin` which provides a ``messages`` message when the processed form is valid.
* :feature:`-` :ref:`FormInvalidMessageMixin` which provides a ``messages`` message when the processed form is invalid.
* :feature:`-` :ref:`FormMessagesMixin` which provides the functionality of both of the above mixins.
* :feature:`-` :ref:`GroupRequiredMixin` which is a new access-level mixin which requires that a user be part of a specified group to access a view.


* :bug:`52 major` :ref:`JSONResponseMixin` ``.render_json_response`` method updated to accept a status code.
* :bug:`43 major` :ref:`JSONResponseMixin` added ``json_dumps_kwargs`` attribute & get method to pass args to the JSON encoder.
* :feature:`45` New :ref:`OrderableListMixin` allows ordering of list views by GET params.
* :support:`-` Tests updated to test against latest stable Django release (1.5.1)
* :support:`-` Small fixes and additions to documentation.


* :feature:`-` New 'abstract' ``AccessMixin`` which provides overridable ``get_login_url`` and ``get_redirect_field_name`` methods for all access-based mixins.
* :feature:`32` Rewritten :ref:`LoginRequiredMixin` which provides same customization as other access mixins with ``login_url``, ``raise_exception`` & ``redirect_field_name``.
* :feature:`33` New :ref:`PrefetchRelatedMixin`. Works the same as :ref:`SelectRelatedMixin` but uses Django's ``prefetch_related`` method.
* :support:`-` ``CreateAndRedirectToEditView`` is marked for deprecation.
* :bug:`- major` :ref:`PermissionRequiredMixin` no longer requires dot syntax for permission names.
* :support:`-` Marked package as supporting 2.6 thru 3.3 (from rafales).
* :support:`-` Fixes to documentation.
* :support:`-` Tests to cover new additions and changes.

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