- Fix launc_tests exit codes [cb]
- Update keyword matchin in URL [cb]
*add tests for keywords in URL
*update tests for h
- Add CONTRIBUTING.md [cb]
*Add contributing guidelines
*Add AUTHORS.md file (list of contributors)
*Edit README.md
*Edit launch_tests.sh
*Edit pre-commit confi
- Run flake8, isort & black [cb]
- Add tests for keywords in 1st paragraph [cb]
- Test url & content length [cb]
- Add tests *for internal & external links [cb]
- Add tests for check_keywords [cb]
- Fix failing tests in python2 [cb]
- 40 [cb]
*current url is now fetched using utf-8, which will not throw exception if accentuated char is foun
- Update pre-commit & launch_checks [cb]
- Update pre-commit [cb]
- +TEST [cb]
*switch title kw check to the new method (using regex)
*add tests for titl
- Add image tests remove unnecessary tags from test html [cb]
- Bug + add tests for h2 [cb]
*fix bug where keyword was not found but green bold was added to part of the wor
- Add tests for meta description [cb]
- Add tests for check_description [cb]
- Update tests [cb]
*remove some foldrs & files from coverage repor
- Update coding in test_h1.py (from latin-1 to utf-8) [cb]
- Bug in check_h1 [cb]
*finished adding tests for check_h1.py, enhoy 100% coverage!
*fix bug from previous commit (forgot parenthesis
- Add some h1 tests & fix bug [cb]
fix h1 bug: no text was displayed in searched_in where all content was in the alt tag of an image (thx tests!