- Add proper dependencies, update version & add bumpversion support
close 26 [cb]
- Add new translation [cb]
- Remove unused setting [cb]
(keyword density is not used in any test
- Potential bug in different environments [cb]
replace env DOMAIN_NAME by Site.objects.get_current(
- Update readme [cb]
correct bs4 pacage name to beautifulsoup4
remove unnecessary stuf
- Bug: add ending slash in url [cb]
- Update README: improve instruction [cb]
- Bug in check_keyword_url [cb]
- Bug in check_images.py: if there is no src or alt text, display
''unknown image'' [cb]
- Remove unused translation [cb]
- 22, update various checks, remove ''found title tag'' check (it was a
duplicate check) [cb]
- Update translations, work on 22 [cb]
- Translation error, work on searched_in content for meta description
checks [cb]
- 21 [cb]
add em tags to all english terms in french translation
create element.html templat
- Relative font import [cb]
- 20 [cb]
add var with keywords in context
display keywords in template
add css for keywords lis
- Update translations [cb]
- Update translations [cb]
- 19 [cb]
url check now use slugif
- 18 [cb]
access to content is more secur
- Forgot to update version number [cb]
- Remove unnecessary file [cb]
- Remove forgotten print [cb]
- Bug [cb]
keywords composed of multiple words were not found in meta title ta
- Bug [cb]
keywords composed of multiple words were not found in url
- Bug in keyword_present_first_paragraph [cb]
- Remove unused imports [cb]
- Remove broken links check [cb]
see https://github.com/kapt-labs/django-check-seo/wiki/Custom-Check
- 17, add cms_toolbars file [cb]
check_links is now checking the full_url & the DOMAIN_NAME vars
new cms_toolbars.py file is added, and now users do not need to create any file inside their projec
- Add new check - fix 16 [cb]
check if no broken internal link is found using requests.status_cod
- Bug: the right content is now selected for a success description [cb]
- Bug: format improperly placed [cb]
- Update translations [cb]
- Bug of translation by adding a context [cb]
- Update translations [cb]
- Add issue templates [Corentin Bettiol]
- Links of fonts in design.css file [cb]
- Bug induced by fixing previous broken links bug [cb]
- Update readme: simplify install section [cb]
- Bug: static files were not loaded properly [cb]
- Broken links [cb]
- Update readme, update translations [cb]
- Update readme [cb]
- Update readme [cb]
- Bug in the url depth calculation [cb]
- Add doc for each check [cb]
- Bug in check_title where title tag exists but is empty [cb]
- Bug on check_h1 [cb]
- 12, fix 13, fix 15 [cb]
add success list, display list under problems & warning lists
progress and end of dictionary migration to new objects
checks involving keywords should compare lowered strings no
- Add new successful checks, check_description.py now uses CustomList
objects [cb]
- Progress on 12, fix 13 [cb]
rename checks/ to checks_list/
create site & custom_list classes inside checks/
update translations (incomplete)
update design (add green list for successful tests)
add successful checks list that is displayed behind the two others
beginning of the conversion process of problems & warning
- 8 [cb]
update README (update screenshot, add link to gallery)
add style
update french translatio
- Add logo in application, update README [cb]
add instructions on how to add static folder in dev mod
- Add logo [cb]
- 9 [cb]
all descriptions are shorter no
- 10 [cb]
see https://github.com/kapt-labs/django-check-seo/wiki/How-to-add-a-check%3F\#custom-checks to know how to add a chec
- Omission correction [cb]
- 11, work on 9 [cb]
- Work on 9 [cb]
- Add fr translation [cb]
- Update readme [cb]
- Update README, fix 7 (package application) [cb]
create setup & manifest files, so now you should be able to install django-check-seo from this rep
- Bug in count_words_number.py [cb]
- 6 [cb]
now the tests to exlude footer & menus are performed before extracting content in .container classe
- Improve 4, fix 5 [cb]
- now all files are imported & functions are called automatically, so no need to import your module! Just drop the file in the folder and watch the magic happen
- add factor of importance: after importing the files, the script executes the functions with the greatest importance firs
- Improve readability of html content, remove django app folder [cb]
html content contained multiple carriage returns, so I removed them. But then it contained some joinedWords. So I updated the function to replace multiple carriage returns by spaces
- 4, improve code [cb]
remove DjangoCheckSeo class
add Site class
split checks in multiple files in /checks folder
each check is now launched by checks/launch_checks.py file (it should be easier to add your check without breaking all the code)
each check has access to the Site instance (with some cool content in its vars)
add a new <details> in the application page which will display formatted content without htm
- Add new check [cb]
check 17: url is shorter than 'max_url_length' char
- Bug [cb]
check for alt attribute in img tags was not functionnal and returned a keyerro
- Remove prints, correct division by zero error [cb]
- Wagnings to warnings, change the way keywords occurences checks work
use percentage of words instead of an interva
- 2 [cb]
number of links now trigger a warning instead of a proble
- Add new check, remove stop-words [cb]
check 17: count words in main conten
- Remove mention of nltk [cb]
- Add list of features on readme, update text, add extracted content in
context vars [cb]
- Add new check [cb]
check 16: ensure that at least a keyword is in the first X words of conten
- Add new checks [cb]
check 14: ensure alt presence in images
check 15: check path level
- Update screenshot in readme [cb]
- Add new checks [cb]
check 10: keywords present in h2 tags (and h2 tags are present in page)
check 11: meta description is present
check 12: meta description length
check 13: keywords present in meta descriptio
- Broken english [cb]
- Change template view, add new checks [cb]
check 7: keyword is present in url
check 8: h1 is present exactly 1 time
check 9: keyword is present in h
- Add new checks [cb]
check 5: number of internal & external links
check 6: occurrence of keyword
- Use beautiful soup to parse html content, add firsts checks [cb]
check 1: check if title is present on the page\ncheck 2: check title length\ncheck 3: get keywords\ncheck 4: check if at least a keyword is in page titl
- Add readme [cb]
- First run of black, isort & flake8, update gitignore, add comment [cb]
- Update name to reflect actual git repo name [cb]
- Initial commit [Corentin Bettiol]
- First commit, testing things [cb]
.. Generated by gitchangelog