Features - GenList now support 'autorefresh' attribute to refresh the list automatically after a given time in miliseconds
Bugfixes - Rewritten the places where class attributes 'codenerix_request' and 'codenerix_uuid' are set - Moved the class attributes 'codenerix_request' and 'codenerix_uuid' in bodybuilder to the if statement where objects are processed not fixed values from optimized queries
Features - Class attributes 'codenerix_request' and 'codenerix_uuid' are now generally available in all classes that inherit from GenBase, GenList, GenCreate, GenUpdate, GenDelete, GenDetail, GenForeignKey, CodenerixModel, CodenerixForm & CodenerixModelForm
Features - Added a new method decorator to control group access to a method.
Bugfixes - Basic types where being converted to string during lists answer generation. Now int, float and bool won't be converted to string and they will be returned as they are.
Features - At AngularJS userbehaviour answer is copied to the $scope