Features - Improved permission system to provide better information when a user is denied access to a resource. - Improved documentation for permission and permission_group in GenList
Added - Enabled access to request object in Forms and Models in addition to Views (Django) using self.codenerix_request Changed - CODENERIX UUID is now accesible by self.codenerix_uuid in Views, Forms and Models
Added - Support for CODENERIX UUID on submirts - Passes through CODENERIX UUID to views, forms and models Changed - The way that UserBehaviour is logged, now it uses CODENERIX UUID instead of a generic UUID - Windows focus is also sent as an UserBehaviour variable
Fixed - Added UUID field to UserBehaviour
Fixed - On UserBehaviour it prevents Angular JS from removing the last slash on URL
Added - Add support for UserBehaviour automatic logger, that logs into the server the actual Location of the user to /userbehaviour (documentation can be found at /codenerix/static/codenerix/js/notify.js). This funtionality is enabled only if cnf_user_behaviour is set to true in JS environment.