* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome. This adds 17 new features:
'ch-device-memory', 'ch-downlink', 'ch-dpr', 'ch-ect', 'ch-lang', 'ch-rtt',
'ch-ua', 'ch-ua-arch', 'ch-ua-model', 'ch-ua-platform', 'ch-viewport-width',
'ch-width', 'execution-while-not-rendered', and
'execution-while-out-of-viewport'. Chrome has also removed support for
'speaker' but since this is still in the specification, it has been left.
* Converted setuptools metadata to configuration file. This meant removing the
``__version__`` attribute from the package. If you want to inspect the
installed version, use
(`docs <https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/importlib.metadata.htmldistribution-versions>`__ /
`backport <https://pypi.org/project/importlib-metadata/>`__).
* Suport Python 3.8.