
Latest version: v3.6.0

Safety actively analyzes 702367 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Drop Python 3.5 support.
* Support Python 3.9.



* Drop Django 2.0 and 2.1 support.
* Move license from ISC to MIT License.
* Update for the rename of the header from ``Feature-Policy`` to
``Permissions-Policy``. This means the middleware has been renamed to
``PermissionsPolicyMiddleware`` and the setting has been renamed to
``PERMISSIONS_POLICY``. The old names are supported as aliases for backwards
compatibility. The middleware also sets both the old and new names for
compatibility with older browsers.
* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 86.

New features:

- ``ch-ua-platform-version``
- ``clipboard-read``
- ``clipboard-write``
- ``cross-origin-isolated``
- ``gamepad``
- ``publickey-credentials-get``

Removed features:

- ``layout-animations``
- ``lazyload``
- ``loading-frame-default-eager``
* Added features from Firefox 81. This adds some unique features, and restores
some features that Chrome has removed.

New features:

- ``display-capture``
- ``web-share``

Restored features:

- ``speaker``
- ``vr``



* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 83.

New features:

- ``ch-ua-full-version``
- ``screen-wake-lock``

Removed features:

- ``font-display-late-swap``
- ``oversized-images``
- ``unoptimized-lossless-images``
- ``unoptimized-lossless-images-strict``
- ``unoptimized-lossy-images``
- ``unsized-media``
- ``wake-lock``

* Added Django 3.1 support.



* Dropped Django 1.11 support. Only Django 2.0+ is supported now.
* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 81. This adds
'ch-ua-mobile', removes 'document-access', and 'vr', and renames
'downloads-without-user-activation' to 'downloads'.



* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome. This adds 2 new features:
'document-access' and 'xr-spatial-tracking'. This also removes the 'speaker'
since it has now been
`removed from the w3c specification <>`__.



* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome. This adds 17 new features:
'ch-device-memory', 'ch-downlink', 'ch-dpr', 'ch-ect', 'ch-lang', 'ch-rtt',
'ch-ua', 'ch-ua-arch', 'ch-ua-model', 'ch-ua-platform', 'ch-viewport-width',
'ch-width', 'execution-while-not-rendered', and
'execution-while-out-of-viewport'. Chrome has also removed support for
'speaker' but since this is still in the specification, it has been left.
* Converted setuptools metadata to configuration file. This meant removing the
``__version__`` attribute from the package. If you want to inspect the
installed version, use
(`docs <>`__ /
`backport <>`__).
* Suport Python 3.8.

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